Genealogy Wise

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Notes from "A history of the original settlements on the Delaware", by Benjamin Ferris, 1846

Wilmington, Delaware beginnings

The town founded was commonly called "Willingtown" in Christiana Hundred, New Castle co., Delaware. Later name was changed to Wilmington. Was granted a borough charter in 1739 by the King of England.

A petition was gotten together regarding this town -- the land is referred to as follows: a "small neck of land lying between the rivers of Brandywine and Christiana in the county of New Castle". This petition was basically to incorporate, and to run businesses. Samuel Greave, Samuel Greave Jr., and Swithin Chandler (kin of Thomas Greave, Quaker) were among several familiar names on this petition. This was about 1736, and the petition was directed to Thomas Penn, Esq.

A market house was erected, and there were laws drawn up as to it's use. Many men agreed, and pitched in money. Many did not, and were not interested. Among those in the latter group were Samuel Greave and Swithin Chandler. Signed 27 Jun 1738.

Joseph Pennock,
William Shipley,
Joseph Way,
Cha. Empson,
Tho. Peters,
Robert Read,
Thomas West,
Joshua Way,
Tho. Broom,
Edward Tatnall,
James Milner,
Samuel Pennock,
Griffith Minshall,
Jon. Peirce,
Caleb Way,
Erasmus Stidham,
William Atherton,
Samuel Hooton,
John Smith,
Christopher Marshall,
Mordecai Lewis,
Matthias Morton,
G. E. Folwell,
William Empson,
Joseph Griest,
Andrew Justice,
Thos. Willing,
Thorns. Tatnall,
David Bush,
Phillip Vandevere,
John Griest,
William Cleneay,
Joseph Williams,
Richard Eavenson,
Edward Robinson,
Ellis Lewis.
William Webb,
Gazen Miller,
Joseph Mendenhall,
John Hoopes,
Samuel Hollingsworth.
James Few,
John Way,
Jeremiah Cloud,
Jacob Bennett,
George Gregg,
William Levis,
Samuel Beverly,
Robert Lewis,
Alexander Frayzer,
Joshua Peirce,
George Gilpin,
William Webb, Jr.,
William Cooper,
William Harvay,
Joseph Gilpin,
John Gregg,
John Passmore,
Robert Jonson,
Daniel Baily,
Mordecai Cloud,
Daniel McForson,
Richard Doskrill,
Thomas Heald,
William Key,
John Marshall,
W. Passmore,
Daniel Webb,
Jacob Way,
John Heald,
Jos. Gilpin,
Thomas Chandler,
Jos. Harlan,
Alphonsus Kirk,
Samuel Greave,
Swithin Chandler,
Adam Kirk,
Jacob Chandler,
Christopher Wilson,
John Heath,
Thomas Hollingsworth;
Alexander Underwood,
John Clode,
Thomas Wilson,
Thomas Nichols,
Joseph Underwood,
Samuel Greave, Junr.,
Joseph Maddock,
Edward Jewett,
Samuel Gregg,
David Davies,
William Pennock,
Wm. Pim,
Aaron Mendenhall,
Ralph Eavenson,
James Eldridge,
Benj. Mendenhall,
Zorobabel Hartshorne,
Joseph Townsend,
John Pennall,
Benja. Mendenhall, Jr..
William Seal,
Wm. Dean

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