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Greenwell Family Genealogy


Greenwell Family Genealogy

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Latest Activity: Apr 6, 2013

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Comment by M Sue Baldwin-O'Dea on April 6, 2013 at 9:16am

Mary Polly Love/Lowe is NOT, in my opinion, the wife of your Wm. Greenwell.
Where your Wm. came from before landing in Washington Co., KY, and then Daviess Co., IN.... I don't know. I'd bet PGC, Montgomery or Frederick Counties in MD or across the Potomac somewhere in VA.
Comment by M Sue Baldwin-O'Dea on April 6, 2013 at 9:16am

I have the William Richard Greenwell family. Another cousin has found documentation that differs from that of Anna Mary Polly Lowe as the wife of William Greenwell born 1783. Here is a discussion we had. Dale did a lot of intense research and I believe he has verified Mary Polly Warren Spaulding married William 

In a message dated 5/7/2012 12:04:27 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Did you see what I sent to you regarding another William Greenwell and Mary Lowe in Maryland who married in 1789. They were born before your William and Mary. I think that may be my William.
The names sound good, but they are a generation too old for your family tree.
If that couple Wm. Greenwell and Mary Lowe that married in 1789 were your William, she would have been 50 or 51 years old when their first child was born in 1818 / 1819... not to mention how old she would have been at the birth of their last... it's impossible.
They would have been a hundred years old at the time of their deaths in Barr Township and the St. Mary's Church record says Mary Polly died 2 days shy of being 80 years old when she was buried on January 24, 1869. Again, it's impossible.
Somebody way back saw this couple and plugged them in to the Greenwell tree... after changing the dates of their births and marriage to fit the Indiana situation. Not the first example of that. They did the same thing by saying James Kidwell married Elizabeth Marie Warren with John M. Warren as surety in 1862. They did marry, but in the late 1820's according to two Washington Co., KY Courthouse records. They had Thomas E. Green's wife Jane as Jane Greenwell for years. That too has been proven wrong. Where did they get her name as Greenwell, when in fact she was a Warren? The dispensation was stated for years to have been required because the couple was second cousins. That has been proven incorrect also. They were first cousins and there's no way first cousins could have existed other than if the mothers were sisters.
The only "proof" of Mary Love/Lowe is the name on Wm. Greenwell's son's death certificate where it asks for the deceased's mother's name. That information had to be supplied by a surviving family member or in-law that recalled their grandmother's i.e. Mary Polly's maiden name 45+ years after she had died. The person supplying the information was either mistaken or the person filling out the document wrote down the wrong name... would be my suspicion.
There is ONLY ONE WOMAN who can occupy the position of Mary Polly that will fullfill all the requirements of needing a first cousin dispensation and be of the correct name and age to be the mother of William's children... and she is the older sister of JaneWarren Green... Mary Polly Warren.
And Mary Polly Warren also happens to have a marriage record sitting in the Washington Co., KY Courthouse showing that she did in fact marry William Greenwell at the proper time to have his children.
I'm sorry, but I have to go with Mary Polly Warren, b. about January 24,1789 in Montgomery Co., MD, oldest daughter of John M.Warren and sister of Jane Warren Green and who married Wm. Greenwell in 1819 in Washington Co., KY.
Comment by Patricia Greenwell on August 28, 2012 at 2:18pm

Anyone related to my William Richard Greenwell b. 1783 in VA d. 1867, m. Anna Mary Polly Lowe b. 1789 d. 1869???


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