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Descendants of Alexander Patrick Hall

First Generation

1. Alexander Patrick Hall,(1) son of Alex Hall and Margaret McCormick, was
born between 1817 and 1822 in Ireland, died on 28 Mar 1888 in Port
Austin, Huron County, Michigan, USA,(2) and was buried on 3 Apr 1888 in
Port Austin, Huron County, Michigan, USA. The cause of his death was

General Notes: Hall is an extremely common English surname, found widely in
Scotland also, denoting someone who lived near a large house,or who was
employed in a manor or hall. In Ireland, it is most common in Ulster, where its
source is predominantly Scottish; the Halls were one of the outlaw "riding
clans" who migrated to Ulster when their dominance over the Scottish Borders
was broken by James I. The name is particularly associated with Co. Antrim.
Elsewhere, it is also found in Munster, brought during the sixteenth and
seventeenth century plantations, and in Leinster, due to the long association
of parts of that province with English rule. It is rare in the western province
of Connacht. [Source: Greham's Irish Surnames, Author, John Grenham]

A short geography lesson for members like myself. I wondered whereabouts near Belfast Loughguile was situated. It is a small village in County Antrim, 13km
to the east of Ballymoney. In the 2001 Census it had a population of 321
people. There is a church in the area.

Civil Parish of Loughgiel Hugh McLean The Civil Parish of Loughgiel,
approximately ten miles South East of Ballymoney, near the storied Glens of Antrim, is situated in the Baronies of Upper Dunluce and Kilconway and is a completely rural Parish. It is bounded on the North by Armoy, on the West by Kilraughts, on the South-West by Killagan, on the South by Dunaghy and Newtowncrommelin, on the East by Culfeightrin, Layde and Grange of Layde. The Parish has fifty-eight townlands, rising in some parts to lofty heights of which Slieveanorra Mountain (1676 ft) is one of the
main summits in the Antrim range.

Loughgiel is a fairly extensive Parish, taking its name from a lake in the
townland of Castlequarter, (Castletown) within the wooded demesne of
Lissanoure. One must realise that place names and townland names are often the oldest fragments of the Irish Language remaining alive in a district and while
they are now modernised, the present forms are often derived from the ancient
Irish. Alterations in the spelling and pronunciation have taken place down
through the years, thus the spelling and meaning of "Loughgiel" may be
different from that used by our ancestors centuries ago.

In reference to the Ordnance Survey Memoirs, Vol 13, The Institute of Irish
Studies, Queen's University of Belfast in association with the Royal Irish
Academy, Dublin tradition affirms that a small, now ornamental Islet, near the
centre of the lake, had a dungeon, which has long since fallen into ruin.
Tradition also affirms that prisoners were held here before being executed on
trees which still stand on a hill to the South of the lake and still known to
this day as "Tulach-na-Croch" or "Gallows Hill". The name "Loughgiel" may have
assumed many names down through the years, thus we have "Loughgule", Loughgeel" or "Loughgeil" to name but a few. The present day spelling of "Loughgiel" meaning "Narrow Lake" or Lake of the Narrows", or the spelling "Loughguile" meaning "Lake of Brightness" or "Bright Lake" are most commonly used. As in most things, nothing last forever, but as long as the name "Loughgiel" is used, the quiet beauty of its situation will ensure the history of the area will never be forgotten.

Alexander received a land grant of 160 acres in Tyre,Michigan on 07/30/1875 .

Name: Alexr Hall Gender: Male Age: 29 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1823
Birthplace: Ireland Province: Canada West (Ontario) District: Northumberland
County District Number: 24 Sub-District: Murray Sub-District Number: 232 Page:
47 Line: 31 Roll: C_11740 Schedule: A

Source Information: 1851 Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and Nova
Scotia [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.
Original data: Census of 1851 (Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and
Nova Scotia). Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada.

Found in the 1851 census for Murry Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,
"HALL, James, laborer b. Ireland 46, Jane b. Ireland 50
Canner, Eliza, b. Ireland 8
HALL, Alex, b. Ireland 29, Catherine b. Ireland 25, Ann 4, Joseph 2
Consession 1 Lot 12"
According to this census Alex was born in 1822 and according to years old on
death certificate he was born in 1817.
James probably was an older brother of Alex. They lived together.
Name: Alexr Hall Gender: Male Age: 29 Estimated birth year: abt 1823
Birthplace: Ireland Province: Canada West (Ontario) DISTRICT: Northumberland County District Number: 24 Sub-District: Murray Sub-District Number: 232 Page:
47 Line: 31 Roll: C_11740 Schedule: A
Source Information: 1851 Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and Nova
Scotia [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.
Original data: Library and Archives Canada. Census of 1851 (Canada East, Canada
West, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia). Ottawa, Canada: Library and Archives

In the 1861 census for Murry Township, Northumberland county, Ontario, Canada,
HALL James b Ireland 61, Jane b Ireland 65, John 18
CONNOR Elizabeth b Ireland 16
ONEIL Mrs Nancy 50 Charles 19 John 17 Sarah 15 Patrick 40 James E 22
John 63 all born Ireland

HALL Alexander b Ireland 42 Catherine b Ireland 40, Ann 13, Joseph
11, James 9, Elizabeth 7, William 5 Patrick 1 birth place of younger
ones Murray Township Northumberland Co.

HALL Francis b Ireland 32 Margaret Nicholl b Ireland 31 Phebe A 6,
Francis W 2, Jane Elizabeth 2

He married Catherine McAuley probably in Canada. They were married about 1845
or 46. In 1874/75 they moved to Tyre,Michigan to homestead. On 03/05/1888
Alexander sold the 160 acres to his son William Alexander Hall.

This information has not been verified yet.

In the Hall family it was traditional for Alexander to name first son William
and William to name his first son Alexander.

Alexander was born near Belfast,Ireland. He met Catherine McCauley/McAuley in the mountains near Belfast, picking peat for fuel. She worked in a bakery at
Ottawa, Canada. There was some trouble between the Orangemen and the Catholics
and she was told that she better leave or she would get hurt. Alexander's
father left England because the king and the Church of England were taking all
the rights of the Catholics. He would not give up his religon.

Alexander Patrick Hall was helping his brother and died when a load of hay he
was driving turned over and smothered him near Port Austin,Michigan.

From Polly-Hall-Burley, Mike Hall's daughter
According to the family lore I've heard, Alexander and Catherine didn't speak
to each other for many many years (like15 - 20). Originally Alexander built a
log cabin at the back of the 40 acres the farm house now sits on (you can't see
much in the way or remains, but Dad knows exactly where it was). Then he built
the original farm house (which burned down in the 40's). He never lived in
that farm house. He lived in the log cabin. So I found it amusing when he was
listed as a "widower". Unless,of course, there was a 1st wife back in Ireland
that no one talked about. No one ever said this was an exact science .
I'll ask Dad about the accident,I know he's told me, but I've forgotten now.

From Barbara Lentz, daughter of Joan Morrison-Lentz
Alexander worked in Port Austin during the week, and came home on the
weekends. He had built himself a coffin back home, but when he died in
Port Austin, they didn't return him home for burial. Some relatives
took the coffin apart and found a stash of money... I guess he thought
you really could take it with you.

Medical Notes: He was driving a load of hay when the wagon overturned and
smothered him.

Alexander married Catherine McAuley,(3) daughter of James William McAuley and
Bridget McLachlon, about 1846 in Prob. Murry Township, Northumberland
County, Ontario, Canada. Catherine was born in Apr 1825 in Dublin, Antrim
County, Ireland, died on 8 Nov 1912 in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac
County, Michigan, USA at age 87, and was buried on 11 Nov 1912 in Tyre,
Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan, USA. The cause of her death
was Valulor Diesease of heart. Another name for Catherine was McCauley.

Children from this marriage were:

F i. Elizabeth Hall was born before 13 Sep 1845 in Loughguile Parish,
Cluntyfinnan Townland, Antrim County, Ireland, was
christened on 13 Sep 1845 in Rc Church, Loughguile Parish,
Cluntfinan Townland, Antrim County, Ireland, and died before
* She was baptized on 13 Sep 1845 in Laughguile, Rc Church, Loughguile
Parish, Cluntyfinnan Townland, Antrim County, Ireland.
F ii. Ann Hall was born on 14 Apr 1848 in Murray Township,
Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada, died on 13 Oct 1916
in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA at age 68, and was
buried in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA.

Ann married Charles Peck,(4) son of Charles Peck and Jane Watson, about
1875 in Prob. Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan, USA.
Charles was born on 18 Jul 1824 in England, died on 13 Nov 1901 in
Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA at age 77, and was buried in
Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA.
M iii. James Hall was born on 24 Feb 1850 in Murray Township,
Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada.

General Notes: Information for James Hall was taken from the Huron County,
Michigan,Portrait and Biographical Album of Huron County published in 1884

James Hall, resident at Grindstone City, has operated since 1870 as a turner in
the grindstone mills. He was born Feb. 24, 1852 in Northumberland County,
Ontario, Canada and is the son of Alaexander and Catherine [McCauley] Hall. The
family removed in 1862 to Mahoning County, Ohio, where James became a miner at
the age of 11 years, working in the coal mines. He was employed in that
capacity until he was 16 years old, when he came to Sanilac County, Michigan
and spent two winters in the lumber woods of Austin Township. In the summer of
1868 he was employed in the saw-mill of Charles Durand, located one mile south
of Sand Beach. Through the following summer he fished at Forestville, and came
first to Grindstone City in the summer of 1870. He entered the employ of Huron
Stone Comapny and spent two months stripping stone, after which he became a
turner, and has pursued that vocation since.

In 1778 he bought 160 acres of land on section 27, in Port Austin Township It
was covered with the forest, and he has cleared and improved one-half the
tract. He is preparing to devote his attention exclusively to breeding fine
grades of cattle, and has now a herd which contains some excellent specimens of
the Short-horn and Holstein breeds. He also owns 160 acres of land, with 30
acres improved, in Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan.

Mr. Hall was married Nov. 28, 1878, to Bridget, daughter of Thomas and
Catherine McCoy. They have two children, Catherine and Mary A. Mrs. Hall was
born Feb 25, 1852 in Ottawa County, Ontario.

Mr Hall has held the office of Road Commissioner, of Port Austin Township, in
which capacity he excelled.

Name: James Hall
Residence: Port Austin, Huron, Michigan

Groom's name: James Hall
Groom's race or color (on document):
Groom's age: 26 years
Groom's birth year: 1852
Groom's birthplace: Canada West
Bride's name: Bridget Mccoy
Bride's race or color (on document):
Bride's age: 26 years
Bride's birth year: 1852
Bride's birthplace: Canada West
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 25 Nov 1878
Marriage place: Port Austin, Huron, Michigan
Father of groom's name:
Mother of groom's name:
Father of bride's name:
Mother of bride's name:
Marital status:
Groom's previous wife's name:
Bride's marital status:
Bride's previous husband's name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342463
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4207597
Image number: 613
Reference number: v 2 p 371 rn 1016
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925

Birthdate: 1852
Birthplace: Canada
Relationship to head-of-household: Self
Spouse's name: Bridget Hall
Spouse birthplace: Canada
Father's name:
Father's birthplace: Ireland
Mother's name:
Mother's birthplace: Ireland
Race or color (expanded): White
Ethnicity: American
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Age: 28 years
Occupation: Farmer
NARA film number: T9-0582
Page: 147
Page letter: C
Entry number: 3726
Film number: 1254582
Collection: 1880 United States Census

Medical Notes: James Hall is reported as being 8 years old on the parish
records of St Peters in Chains Church on June 1858

James married Bridget McCoy, daughter of Thomas McCoy and Catherine
[---?---], on 28 Nov 1878 in Port Austin, Huron County, Michigan,
USA. Bridget was born on 25 Feb 1852 in Ottawa County, Ontario.
M iv. Joesph Hall was born in 1852 in Murray Township, Northumberland
County, Ontario, Canada.

General Notes: Joesph Hall died at age 12 by falling off a gangplank in
Buffalo, New York.

Medical Notes: Birth year estimated from Parish records of St Peters in Chains
Church from June 1858 which listed Joesph as 6 years old.
F v. Elizabeth Hall was born on 13 Mar 1854 in Murray Township,
Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada, was christened on 2
Apr 1854 in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario,
Canada, and died on 29 Sep 1884 in Kinde, Michigan, USA at
age 30.
* She was baptized on 2 Apr 1854 in Murray Township, Northumberland
County, Ontario, Canada. Baptised by Fr. Brettaugh, sponsors were Pat
Millen and Christina McAuley
Source, St Peter in Chains Trenton Church records; FHL microfilm #

Elizabeth married William Jackson on 14 Jun 1873 in Port Austin, Huron
County, Michigan, USA. William was born about 1851.
M vi. William Alexander Hall(5) was born on 30 Jun 1854 in Murray
Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada and died on
14 Feb 1913 in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County,
Michigan, USA at age 58.

General Notes: William A. Hall farmed the Hall homestead in Michigan and as a
young man he went into the stone quarry business with a banker who later became
govenor of Michigan, Albert E. Sleeper. He lost most of his land when a young
boy who worked for him broke his legs on a grindstone wheel. The boy brought a
lawsuit. He turned all his land except 40 acres to his wife's Aunt
Caroline(Soule)Thomas. Later the lawsuit was dismissed in court. Then Caroline
gave the farm back to Lucy Soule, his wife.
According to land records in Sanilac county William Hall purchased 40 acres
from his father on 1/21/1886 for $600.00. Also on 3/5/1888 he purchased 120
acres from his father for $500.00

Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Minden, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll:
T9_605; Family History Film: 1254605; Page: 205.1000; Enumeration District:
341; Image: 0409.
Source Information: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880 United
States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations
Network, Inc., 2005. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints © Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All
rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use license and other terms
and conditions applicable to this site. Original data: United States of
America, Bureau of the Census. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1880. T9, 1,454
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Austin, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll:
T623 743; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 114.
Source Information: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004. Original data: United States of
America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T623,
1854 rolls.

Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Grindstone City, Huron, Michigan;
Roll: T9_582; Family History Film: 1254582; Page: 148.1000; Enumeration
District: 115; Image: 0299.
Source Information: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880 United
States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations
Network, Inc., 2005. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints © Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All
rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use license and other terms
and conditions applicable to this site. Original data: United States of
America, Bureau of the Census. Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1880. T9, 1,454
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Austin, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll:
M593_703; Page: 4; Image: 8.
Source Information: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003. Original data: 1870.
United States. Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. Washington, D.C.
National Archives and Records Administration. M593, RG29, 1,761 rolls.
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Austin, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll:
T624_674; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 128; Image: 616.
Source Information: 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT,
USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. For details on the contents of the
film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA
data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Thirteenth Census of the
United States, 1910. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records
Administration, 1910. T624, 1,178 rolls.

William married Lucy Soule, daughter of Alexander Soule and Susan
Mckinzie Blake, on 16 Jan 1889 in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac
County, Michigan, USA. Lucy was born on 19 Jun 1864 in Tyre, Austin
Township, Sanilac County, Michigan, USA and died on 17 Jul 1928 in
Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan, USA at age 64.
F vii. Mary Hall was born about 1855 in Murray Township, Northumberland
County, Ontario, Canada.

General Notes: Died in infancy in Canada. Gravestone brought to Tyre,Mich. by
Alex Hall.
M viii. Alexander Hall was born on 25 Jul 1858 in Murray Township,
Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada(6) and was christened
on 25 Aug 1858 in Murray Township, Northumberland County,
Ontario, Canada.
* He was baptized on 28 Aug 1858 in Murray Township, Northumberland
County, Ontario, Canada. Baptised by Father Brettaugh, sponsors were
John Cassidy and Catherine McGowan
Source, St Peter in Chains Trenton Church records; FHL microfilm #
M ix. Patrick Albert Hall was born on 21 Jun 1860 in Murray Township,
Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada,(6) was christened on
5 Aug 1860 in Murray Township, Northumberland County,
Ontario, Canada, and died on 3 Mar 1874 in Sanilac County,
Michigan, USA(5) at age 13. The cause of his death was
Inflamation of kidneys.

General Notes:
Name: Patrick Hall
Death date: 03 Mar 1874
Death place: Austin, Sanilac, Michigan
Gender: Male
Age at death: 13 years 8 months 10 days
Estimated birth year: 1861
Death place: Austin, Sanilac, Michigan
Marital status: Single
Father name: Alexander Hall
Mother name: Cathrine Hall
Film number: 2363453
Digital GS number: 4207883
Image number: 1362
Reference number: p 93 rn 113
Collection: Michigan Deaths 1867-1897
* He was baptized on 5 Aug 1860 in Murray Township, Northumberland
County, Ontario, Canada. By Fr Brettaugh, sponsors were Jas McQuillan
and Mary McAuley
Source, St Peter in Chains Trenton Church records; FHL microfilm #

He never married and had no children.
F x. Bridget Hall was born on 8 Sep 1865 in Niles, Ohio, USA, was
christened on 8 Sep 1865 in Niles, Ohio, USA, and died on 21
Feb 1942 in Sanilac County, Michigan, USA at age 76.

Bridget married Joseph Freiburger, son of Nicholas Freiburger and Hanora
McCarty, in 1891. Joseph was born on 17 Nov 1862, was christened in
St. Agatha, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada, died on 13 Mar 1917 in
Minden Township, Sanilac County, Michigan, USA at age 54, and was
buried in Freiburger Cemetery.
* He has conflicting birth information of 17 Nov 1862 in Wellesly,
Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada.


1. Sanilac County Vital Records, Sandusky, Michigan. .... 1870 Michigan
Census, Austin Twp., Sanilac County, Page 3.
2. State of Michigan, County of Huron, Certified Death Record (25 May
1889-Clerk of the County of Huron, Michigan Edward A Swackhamer).
3. Vital Records Sanilac County, Michigan. .... 1870 Michigan Census, Austin
Twp., Sanilac County, Page 3. .... 1880 Michigan Census, Sanilac County,
Austin Township. .... 1900 Michigan Census, Sanilac County, Minden
Township, Sheet 11.
4. Louis Bur.
5. Sanilac County Vital Records, Sandusky, Michigan.
6. Family History Center, # 1298872.

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