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"Dombek" etymology from hungarian-sarmatian language: domb(hu)=hill, mound, kourgan (eng).

I discovered, that the R1a1a people was the sarmatian-scythian people! Why? I have R1a1a and on page-map signs 3-4 distant relation (12/12 marker match). About 175 AD was 5500 sarmatian soldier to britannian limes transported from Pannonia (Hungary), to South Scothia. They gives a name "Scothia", because this people cames from Scythia => Scothia!!!

Sarmatian soldier-sign was the dragon-head (hungarian today: sárkányfej). Pen(sarmatian)=pej(finn-ugor)=fej(hungarian today) and dragon(sarmatian=>english)=sárkány(sharkhan). Pendragon legend is a legend from a sarmatian king, Arthur!

A have found a very old scottish family name: Polk-Pollok. My name is Balogh. It is similar! Land of Pollock family was near to roman britannian limes!! I have a Hungarian origin, i live in Hungary, and my name is the 11st often in Hungary!! This is a Scythian name since 175 AD!! And this name is a people-name? Pollock? The hungarian says: polish(eng)=lengyel(hun)=polyák, polák(old hun).


Scythian people and scythian language was a mixed people and language?


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Very Interesting. Scotland means Land of the Scothia (Scythians), actually the Sarmatians.

There was a Roman Castra (fort) at Ribchester, Lancashire which is the western anchor of Hadrians Wall.

The Border Reivers, seem to be descendants of (in large part) descendants of these Sarmatians.

Besides breeding with the natives, these Sarmatian auxillaries, so I understand, elected to stay behind with their famlies, when Rome abandoned England.

Pendragon means,son of the Dragon, just as Dracula means son of the Dragon (Dracula=Dragon, a=son)

Attempts have been made to link Lucius Artorius Castus to King Arthur, however he was a Roman of Equestrian rank (middle class Roman) and died in Croatia where his grave and monument were unearthed. However the Arthur myth does have much resonance with and ostensibly an origin in the Sarmatians and probably he was an amalgm of a Sarmatian and others.

The Saxons did not invade England en masse until 2 centuries after the Romans left Britain, and in two centuries the Sarmatian descendants would consider themselves Brits and probably have lost their ancestral history.

Lucius Artorius Castus lived at latest in mid 3rd Century. Rome left Britain circa the 5th Century (410 AD)

The Saxons were invited into Britain by Vortigern,and Hengist and Horsa (according to tradition) responded. They repelled the Picts and so liked Britain that they decided to stay and brought in their kin. This has been the history of the world, a weaker power calls in a stronger power to defend against a threat, and the ally decides to stay and conguer for his own.

History does repeat itself.

At any rate. The Saxon invasion by Hengist and Horsa was not the first. Rome built a number of forts along what it called the Saxon shore, (Norfolk to Kent) to guard against the Saxons.

I belong to haplogroup R1a1a1h* with SNP Z93+, Z94- and L342-,this is Eurasian, or Sarmatian/Scythian, but my family has been in England since before the 15th Century, as my earliest documented ancestor in my surname line built a manoral hall in 1471.

Options are that we are descended from a Sarmatian Auxiallary (Ribchester is only 17 miles from the ancestral home of the Farrars (Farrer, Ferror, Feror) or an Alani (a Sarmatian tribe) that settled in Armorica (Brittany in Normandy) with the permission of the praetor Aetius who defeated Attila at the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields.



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