My direct Ancestor, Nathaniel Harris was born in 1693 to Thomas Harris and Ruth James of Conn.. He was probably born in Long Island but possibly in Conn.
Nathaniel's second wife was named Elizabeth. The is a lot of conjecture that her maiden name was also Harris and that they were cousins. It has also been stated that she is closely related to John Harris, founder of Harrisburg, Pa.
I have searched for the relationship of Elizabeth to John Harris of Pa, but have been unsuccessful.
Nothing much is known about Thomas Harris, Nathaniel's father, but that his father may have been named John, might have been from Ma...not known for sure....and that Thomas and a brother named Walter were orphaned at an early age. This is all based on the deduction of Ion Harris.
When I had a DNA test done on family search. (i am female), the closest match I found was to the Pa. Harris group. When I contacted him, he said that the match doesn't mean anything because I am female. But if it followed my female line would it make sense if Elizabeth Harris was a relative of John Harris from Pa? All of my direct Harris line are men. The one exception would be Elizabeth Harris, if this fact is correct.
It would be a MAJOR discovery if these two Harris lines could be linked.
If anyone might have a lead on finding out anything on Elizabeth, I would sincerely appreciate it.
Thank you,
Marjorie Harris McLean
Hi Marjorie, do you mind if I ask what DNA testing company you used? Just curious if we may be related!
Thanks Trey Harris
I used Family Search. I don't know the name of the company
I've tested with familytreedna, and ancestry, and I was wondering if we were a match. I would love to know if there are any living descendants of John Harris the founder of Harrisburg, PA who have tested?
do you know how to check matches on Family tree? I don't really understand it. What do you need to know to find me on there?
Well Marjorie, I'm not really sure what Family Tree is? If you mean Ancestry, then yes I do know how to check for matches on their site. Guess I would need to know which company you used for starters. Thanks!
You said that you had tested with familytreedna.... that is where I tested. I think they have what is called Family Finder. My cousin, who started our group there, also upload our results on something called which will match with several companies...except for Ancestry.
Hello Gene! I have not personally taken a test but I do have my family's genealogy book that my aunt and great aunt made with Ancestry. They traced our paternal line back to John Harris Sr. (Harrisburg, PA). I do not have access to that account, but i do have hard copies.
Hi Sarah! Sorry just now saw your message. I'd love to see that book! Of course I know that would be difficult. Perhaps you could check to see if it mentions any of John Harris Sr. children moving to South Carolina. I know he had a son named Richard who moved to Union Co. SC where I'm from. Curious what it might say about that? Also do you know of any living male descendants with surname Harris from your line who might be willing to take a DNA test? That would be awesome!
I MAY be from that line. I have taken a DNA test through Ancestry. My ggg-grandfather, Henry Washington Harris (ca 1822-2 Feb 1914, who died in Belton West, Anderson, SC), may have been the son of Andrew Pickens Harris and Jane Russell of the Harrisburg Plantation in present-day Anderson.
I cannot shed any light--yet--on your question, but I am also researching a possible descendant of John Harris of Harrisburg Plantation in present-day Anderson, SC. I have several UNSOURCED family histories that claim that my ggg-grandfather, Henry Washington Harris (ca 1822-2 Feb. 1914) was the son of Andrew Pickens Harris and Jane Russell, but I cannot find any direct evidence of those claims. I also have a family history (again, unsourced) that claims that Henry was the son of Thomas Harris. I will keep your question on file and will let you know if I find anything relevant to your question. I would greatly appreciate it if you would do the same. Thanks! Joe Harris 5 October 2020.
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