Genealogy Wise

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I am researching my roots in Iowa.

My maternal grandmother was a Rampton. Her family came to the United States in mid-1800s from Hampshire, England. She was born and raised just outside the town of Dysert, Iowa - right on the border of Tama and Benton Counties.

For some reason they first went to Michigan (would love to know why) and then to Iowa (railroad, homesteads, etc).

Sue Daws has done a wonderful One Name Family Study on the Ramptons of
Hampshire. I also have my great-grandfather's farm journals that give
wonderful family history as well as a glimpse into the life of a farmer
in Iowa.

My Rampton branch is from Anthony Rampton (1790 - 1878) and his wife Mary Ash. His children were:
  1. James (1815 - )
    • just have baptism info
  2. Henry (1817 - 1900)
    • born in England, died in Detroit, Michigan
  3. Anthony A. (1824 - 1917)
    • born in England
    • Emigrated to USA in 1846/48
    • Died in Benton Co., Iowa
  4. Eliza (1826 - 1857)
    • think this may not be a daughter, but rather daughter in law (married to Anthony A)
  5. Harriet (1827 - 1916)
    • married George Gardner and immigrated to Australia
  6. Edmund (1829 - 1899)
    • my gg-grandfather: born in England
    • Emigration 1846 with parents & brother
    • Naturalization in 1850 in Oakland Co, Michigan
    • Moved to Iowa before 1870 , Died in Benton Co, Iowa
  7. Daniel (1833 - 1910)
    • stayed in England - was witness for sister Harriet's marriage
  8. Catherine (1835 - 1888)
    • Believe she belongs to this family / born in England / Died in Jasper Co, Missouri

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