Genealogy Wise

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I found a reference to Charles Kennedy of Antrim at this URL:
His father is lissted as William Kennedy and a sister Jane Kennedy is also mentioned.  I would be most interested in any additional info oon this family, especially if they might have enigrated to America between 1711 and 1750.

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Hi - I am researching Kennedy family in Virginia. My son-in-law is a descendant of Granville Kennedy (1798-1869) of Greene Co, Virginia. I have photos of Kennedy cemetery (south of Standardsville, VA) - email at

Early records corncerning Charles Kennedy (grandfather of Granville Kennedy)

12May1743 – BIRTH: Crosha Baker, daughter of Thomas Baker and Dorothy
Davenport, daughter of Martin Davenport, Sr., was born, likely in
Spotsylvania County. (Baker Family Bible)
This was the first documented appearance of the given name Crosha in Pamunkey Davenport
annals. All previous citations were inferred or speculative

9Jul1744 - WITNESS FEES: Richard Davenport ordered to pay William Davenport,
Richard Blalock, and Charles Kennedy 25 pounds of Tobacco each as his evidences
in the suit of McClaron vs. Davenport in Case. McClaron ordered to pay Ann
Powell, a witness from Hanover; Joseph Venable, a witness from Spotsylvania; and
Catherine Venable, a witness from Spotsylvania, for one day and 25 miles each as his
evidences in said (Louisa County, VA, Court Orders, 1:114)

15Oct1751 - DEED: Henry Gambill, wife Mary, of Louisa County, to Charles
Kennedy, of Hanover County, for £78 Virginia, 176 acres in Louisa County on
Little Rocky Creek, adjoining the Creek. Beginning at a white oak on Little Rocky
Creek, thence North 60º West 114 poles to a black oak in a glade, thence North 82º
West 115 poles to two black oak saplings, thence South 5º East 180 poles to 2 white
oak saplings, thence South East 140 poles to a black oak on a hill, thence North 50º
East 120 poles to the beginning–being part of a tract of 3,770 acres patented to
Thomas Carr 27Feb1727, said Carr conveying to said Gambill on 4Sep1735.../s/
Henry Gambill, Mary "X" Gambill. Wit: William Davenport, David Davenport,
John Davenport. Acknowledged by Gambill and wife Mary relinquished
Dower at Louisa Court on 22Oct1751. (Louisa County, VA, Deeds A:445)

This deed ties Mary and Crosha as daughters of Martin Davenport as three of his proven sons sign as witnesses.

16Nov1754 - DEED: John Williams, wife Jane, and William Williams, all of Granville
County, North Carolina, to Charles Kennedy, of Hanover County, Virginia, for £21
Virginia, 100 acres in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, beginning at a hickory, black
oak, and white oak sapling, running thence South 55º East 160 poles to a corner in
the dividing line of Matthew, Williams, and Stubblefield (now Baylor), thence South
35º West 100 poles to a white oak corner to Stubblefield (now Baylor), thence North
55º West 160 poles to a red oak, Spanish oak, and black oak sapling, thence North
35º East 100 poles to the beginning, being a tract conveyed by Ralph Williams to the
said William Williams, who sold the same to John Williams... /s/ John Williams,
Jane Williams, William “W” Williams. Wit: John Woolfolk, James Wiglesworth,
James Crawford 2, William Davenport. (Spotsylvania County, VA, Deeds E:262)

07 May 1782 Charles Kennedy made War Claims in Havover Co, Virginia



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