Genealogy Wise

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Breckinridge County KY, Circuit Court Records: 18 Oct 1814.
In a lawsuit of Martin Hardin, defendant against John Handley, James Patton & William Tayler concerning land ownership and boundaries, William Hardin testified that "he with his family landed at the south of Hardins Creek on the 19th day of April 1780 and on the 20th removed to where he built his Station." Later in the suit we find that Capt William Hardin, Sr. along with Joseph Tobias, Roger Barlow, Leighton White & others, came down the Ohio from the falls in January of 1779, sometime later in that year he left that part of the Country to return again in April of 1780. When he returned there were three families as well as William Scott, John Walker, Lewis Duval, Joseph Tobias; Bush was one of the other familes. The deposition said 7 men were in the first party.
In this deposition, William also pointed out that the Creek called Sinking Creek [its name today] was called Limestone Creek by some.
The Martin Hardin in this lawsuit was probably William's cousin, son of Martin & Lydia Hardin. Benjamin Hardin also gave testimony in this case - possibly William's brother. The suit was not settled until July of 1817 in the Court of Appeals, and by that time John Handley had died and the suit was with his heirs. Martin Hardin was successful in defending his 1000 acre entry made 19 May 1780 "on the waters of Green include improvement of Leighton White".

I have found Kentucky warrants and deeds for William Hardin that total over 10,000 acres.

I have a website with considerable Hardin data;
Leaves of the Tree
Just scroll down the page and look for the Hardin link under "Kay's Pedigree".

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