Genealogy Wise

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I have a strange situation where my great aunt and her assistant adopted 2 children in the early 1900's

What I am trying to fiqire out is how to enter this information into Legagcy.

Do I make her assistant a spouse and then enter the children.

The children can be entered as adopted under Event
But the problem remains with the relationship in Legagcy of my great aunt and her assistant

If anyone can help, please let me know


Tony Stapleton

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Tony: I had the same problem doing same sex marriages. I did this by opening up the marriage detail window under marriage status I added same sex union under the wording for husband and wife I changed that to partner. Now you can do something similar by changing their wording to state boss and assistant and even adding to the address line for the marriage detail this is an adoption arrangement or you could simply do as Brian Kelly has stated adding both people and attaching the the two children to both of them. You can easily change the marriage status for these two people to adoption agreement just by clicking the add button in the drop down menu for marriage status and if you have that set to show thats what will show up on the marriage line. I am sure there are other work arounds to get it to say what you want. Hope this helps you out as I am sure you wish to have both of the people showing on the same page with the adopted children. Good luck

Hi Rick,

Thanks for the advise. It helped and I managed to get the information added.
Still ots more do do
Thanks again
I only have it once in all of our lines, but it is not necessary to record same-sex relationships as a marriage. It would be more appropriate to ignore these relationships most of the time just like we do with all of the boyfriend/girlfriend relationships or couples just living together. If there is no legal relationship, it typically is ignored in genealogy. Where children are involved though, there are several ways to go. It can be listed as an adoption and note that the two never married. It is possible to note which was the birth parent or adoptive parent if the other didn't legally adopt. There can be info entered under the General Notes or Marriage Notes that it was a same-sex relationship or that they never married.

Because of the time you noted (early 1900s), I would double check whether both legally adopted the children. This is quite unlikely to be done legally at that time even if both acted as though it were a joint effort. Was the arrangement that of guardian instead? It is also possible that it was two women who never married but had a heart for local orphans etc. Be absolutely certain before labeling someone, especially someone who is deceased, as in a same-sex relationship. When children are involved, as noted, it is possible to customize the relation between child and adult in the software.



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