Genealogy Wise

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My family tree on my mothers side has the Looney family. While alot of Looneys can trace their family tree from Ireland through Virginia to other parts of the United States. Mine goes from Ireland in the late 1800s to San Francisco. My grandfather is Frank Looney (born Edward Francis) in San Mateo in May of 1908 and died in 1982. His father was Daniel Singleton Looney who was born in County Cork, Ireland, in Sept 1868. He immigrated to the United States about 1886 ending up in San Francisco. He lived there till his death in May 1945. His mother, Ellen Singleton, immigrated to the United States with Daniel. Her husband, Edward J. Looney (?), did not leave Ireland.

Daniels brothers were Edward M. Looney (1874-1945) and Patrick Singleton Looney (1877 - 1947) and his sister was Elizabeth Looney (Sister Mary Patrick Rupert) (1879 - 1969). All born in Ireland, immigrated to the United States and died in California.

Daniel married Mary Grace (b. Idaho Territory 1875 (?) - San Mateo, CA 1920). They had three children: Edward Francis (Frank) Looney, James Joesph Looney (1913-1988) and Imelda Grace Looney (1909-1986).

Frank married Kay Lynch and had one daughter, Mary.

If anyone can link into this tree or provide me with information I would greatly appreaciate it.

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