For all those who are members of, or interested in mitochondrial haplogroup I, which is passed down in the maternal line. Our haplogroup is widespread in Europe and Western Eurasia, but is nowhere common, rarely reaching 5% of any population.
Members: 19
Latest Activity: May 28, 2019
Started by Susan McCrary. Last reply by Martha J. (Schliesser) Hicks Apr 8, 2012. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Hi.. I'm mt I2a I haven't gotten my tree very far back.. 1824 Sarah Payne AL. Wish me good luck My mom & gmom were SHORT families. Pictured are my 3 grands...Joy
Haplogroup I2a3
Principally a European haplogroup, haplogroup I is detected at very low frequency across west Eurasia with slightly greater representation in northern and western Europe. Given its wide, but sparse, distribution, it is likely that it was present in those populations that first colonized Europe. This hypothesis is supported by the estimate its age—approximately 30,000 years.
Skip MTDNA test and go for the Family Finder. It is on sale.
Ok. FTDNA matches with descendanta of ancient ancestors, I have 4 matches.
I upgraded to the Family Finder, now have over 700. Upgrade right now,
the price is cheap for the holidays.
Hello ,
I have mtdna haplo group 12. I tested over 2 years ago and still not one match on ftdna at any level.
My maternal line is completely Scandinavian, I have a current roadblock on my maternal line .
I am I2a. My 3rd great grandmother was Elizabeth Goose, born in Norfolk,East Anglia, UK in October 1810. Her mother was Mary Harn or Hurn. Perhaps I2a ancestors came via Scandinavia to East Anglia or possibly from eastern Europe/Russia and migrated over the centuries and came over with William the Conqueror. after 1066AD. There is a distinct lack of data for this haplogroup at the moment. Anyone else I2a?
Welcome, Frank! As more people get tested, I hope you will get passed that brick wall.
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