Genealogy Wise

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A place to list the primary family surnames we are researching in an attempt to find other connections.

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Primarily: Cole, Cottrell, Murray (brick wall), Holm (brickwall), Kolb (brick wall), Averett,
Secondarily: McLamb, Dixon, Daniel, Whitt, Buntin, Critcher, Honeycutt, Hobbs

I have found many misspellings/variations of these names through my searches as well.
My MURRAY connections are

MURRAY: Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma
CROW: Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma
SKILES: Tennessee, Illinois, Missouri
HAMBY: North Carolina, Missouri
ARRENDUFFS: Tennessee, Illinois
In Scotland, my related family names are:-

BARNES (Kilmarnock, Glasgow, Ballantrae, N. Ireland)
STOKES (Glasgow, Kilmarnock, Campbeltown, Dublin & Monaghan in Ireland)
HALL (Irvine in Scotland & Ireland)
SLOAN (Ballantrae & Kilmarnock in Scotland & N. Ireland)
(mc) CANDLISH (Ireland & Ballantrae Scotland)
My family connections are, in addition to Murray, Nelson, Tunison, and Lepper.

Second Generation includes: Sallee, Hills, Hinman, Hewett

Third Generation includes: Sullivan, Clear, Olsen, Rottler, Chandler, Wadsworth, Morrill and a spouse of Hewett (brickwall)

The Murray line arrived in Montana from Kansas about 1910
I am researching the Murney family and I know that some of them moved to Kearney New Jersey and then changed their name to Murray. But still not sure which ones of the current generation are related to my older Murney family members.



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