Genealogy Wise

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I am trying (still after about 10 years) to find the parents and/or siblings of REASON LOCKAMY.  I descend thru his son Lovett James LOCKAMY who was born circa 1834 in Sampson County - and served in the Civil War.  Reason married Jane TEW - daughter of John B. Tew  and possible Patience Blackman.  Any help, suggetions for where to look, tips, or information is GREATLY GREATLY GREATLY appreciated.




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I believe I'm seeing Reason Lockamy on the census as Reason Lockoman in 1840? Reason Lockerman in 1950 I see him as 'Rezin Lockerman' with a woman I take to be his wife 'Jane Lockerman' in 1860. Did they change their surname during the war?
I think it is just a matter of the record takers understanding of the name. The name goes back and for from Lockamy, to Lockerman, Lockaman, Lockyman and other variations.

Hi Cheryl,

Unfortunately there are only 2 Lockerman wills in the Archives in Sampson Co., NC before 1900 - James and Jacob (1846) and neither of them mention a son Reason. There is another Lockerman in Cumberland Co. - Joseph (1874) - however he likewise did not mention a son Reason. So at least you can rule them out as fathers of your Reason.

In 1800, there were 5 Lockermans on the Sampson Co census - Jacob, Moses, 2x James, and William. So I would suppose your Reason might belong to one of them. There was also an Eli Lockerman in court records in 1801. I'm not that familiar with the Lockermans, but I did compile a bunch of information on them a few years ago. If you send me an email I would be happy to send you what I have and maybe you can build a sketch of the various Lockerman families in Sampson County.

Ginger Smith



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