Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I've been working my FIL's 'Lavelle' family for 3 years, since they lived with us for 6 months 3 years ago. (that's a lonnng story, LOL)

One thing that was difficult was that all I had to go on was the stories my FIL 'knew' from his father. When I found new info, he would say, 'oh yeah, that's what my brother said Dad told him' ...supposedly he and his brother were told different stories about their grandfather.

So, how do you 'ask' the inlaws about their lines?

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I also ask them to tell me about each other. Then I add the different stories together and voila' I have the story of a person. Of course, I ask the living the same questions too. I love to ask about wise sayings they used to say or anything unique about the person.
I guess I have been lucky with my husbands family, to a large extent. There have been a lot of divorces and new marriages and and trying to figure out who was who was not easy. I sat down with the senior members of the family , and then each of the children to get thins straight. I did this at a family reunion, and as I had been in the family for several years, and not judgmental of anyone, they opened up to me. Then ater the age of computers when we went to the family reunions I took the family group sheets and asked every one to correct them and add to them. I had a very good response from everyone and I think they all enjoyed looking everything over. I was fortunate to be able to talk with the senior members of the family and was able to get names and such from them in the 80's and 90's before they all passed away. I even got some school pictures of my husbands father. I guess is anything try to be unjudgemental and not spread gossip and reassure everyone that you are just trying to get thins down so if anyone else need this information for whatever reason you will share it with them. And as the attitudes towards things have changed so have the reasons for hiding some information has really become unnecessaryie when and where so and so got married an when the real birthday for such and such a child was.



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