Hello All,
Am I the first English 'Reynolds' on here?
My Grandma Lilian b. 1899 was a Reynolds form Lancashire, her Father John William and his sister Sarah were from Yorkshire in the 1850's and apart from their Father's name Joseph and the fact that he was a shoemaker in a very small village I know no more, very elusive are my Reynolds before him!
I have just joined, and I can tell you you are NOT the only English Reynolds. My Mother was a Reynolds, and her Father--b. in Ohio 1873--was the 5th Great Grandson of Henry Reynolds. Henry Reynolds was supposedly a "Quaker" preacher and came here from Nottingham, England in an"early period of our colonial history". He settled in Cecil Co, MD. According to this info. there were 3 Reynolds brothers who came. Henry then settled in PA. That is where my Grandpa's parents came into Ohio from. The other 2 brothers William and John settled respectively in New York and in the Carolinas. I'm getting all that from "The Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley; comprising the counties of Huntington, MifflinJuniata and Perry" published in 1897 at Chambersburg PA, and reprinted in 1979 by the HIstorical Society of Perry County, PA. What I got is on pp 75 and 76. I don't know where you are, but if you have a Society near you, or your library can get it on loan to you it tells about many of the H. Reynolds people. If you can't get it, let me know and I will copy my pages and send them to you. I am in Canby, Oregon about 25 mi south of Portland. Good luck. Write to me any time at deafmtnbear@gmail.com Sincerely, Suz (Susan Cruse)