Genealogy Wise

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I am researching the family of Ervin Foster Rice from NC. Born on 06 December 1827 in NC and moved to Calhoun County Alabama by 1850. He married Louisa Jane King who was born in Spartanburg County, SC which leads me to wonder if he either lived on an adjoining county or moved into SC. He just appears suddenly in Calhoun County Alabama and marries Louisa on 28 December 1851.
Larry Williams

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There are quite a few Rice's in Union County, near Spartanburg, and also Anderson County, a bit farther to the west.  You might start looking there--I'm looking into my own Rice family in that area, so if I find an Ervin Foster Rice I'll let you know...  I have found very helpful--not so much the "search" template, but go to the bottom of the search page and click on United States and it takes you to a list of states with their databases that you can browse--time consuming and sometimes hard to navigate, but if you have some time, it's very interesting. 

Here is the South Carolina section:

Happy Hunting!  Dori :-]


I also know of at least 3 Hezekiah Rices that were more or less contemporaries.  One was born in MA (around Framingham  and he was a Rev War patriot) , I believe the other two were born in VA.  At least 2 of them were Rev. War patiriots.  One Hez Rice,  married to a Mary Leftwich, ended up in Anderson Co., SC.  Another Hez Rice also married a Mary and is buried in Union Co., SC.  The Hez Rice who is buried in Anderson Co., SC was, I believe the son of Hez Rice b. in VA and buried in Caswell Co., NC and was a Rev. War patriot.I keep going around and around with this family.  Anything you can add or correct would be welcome.



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