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Have you used DNA testing to connect with family?

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How do define 'family'? If it's a broad concept then I consider the people I have matched with my 'genetic cousins," for lack of a better word since my known family tree tree cousins also share common DNA.
If you mean, have I found someone potentially on on my family tree or potentially a sib or a parent and used DNA to confirm it? The answer is no.
Hi, Howard.

In my book, an exact genetic match means we are certainly genetic cousins and also family!
Interestingly enough, I recently found out that although I'd always thought all of my ancestors were Ashkenazi, through the DNA test results of my mother's brother, there's an indication that his paternal line (and that of my maternal grandfather, therefore and mine) had Sephardic roots. The research is pretty rudimentary, but utterly fascinating, and I have been in contact with some of my "genetic cousins", some of whom I will be meeting in Philly! The connection goes back centuries, but is certainly something I will keep tabs on and pursue.
Judi, I hope to meet you in Philly. Also make sure to meet up with Judy Simon there. Judy and I will be doing a session on our FamilyTreeDNA project focusing on Iberian Ashkenazim.

It is certainly a fascinating trail that we are following!
I am looking forward to meeting Judi in person! We've been in contact through Facebook and the Wirth project.



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