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Small Surname

The Small Surname Group is for all people researching the surname Small and it's variations in any location.

Members: 8
Latest Activity: Mar 13, 2017

Discussion Forum

Elizabeth Small, Burlington County, NJ

Started by PoetsMyst. Last reply by judy small Jul 20, 2011. 1 Reply

E Small from Missouri

Started by Jerry Bauman Feb 21, 2010. 0 Replies

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Comment by Sharon MItchell on March 13, 2017 at 7:38am

My great-grandparents came to Illinois from Somerset England in the late 1800's. I would be interested in hearing from potential cousins.

Comment by Susan McCall on May 11, 2015 at 8:29pm

I am researching George Small who was from Buckinghamshire and a convict that came to Australia. He married Anne King and they had several children. I'd really like to find out who his parents are. There is a possibility his mother was Mary Small or a sister.

Comment by judy small on April 21, 2011 at 7:55am
my small line  is  grom england ,they came to the usa in the 1850's an continued  threw out the years,they setteled in  new jersey new york  indiana an im sure there are more states because they were always moving.i do know new york an new jersey an indiana were places they picked to make  gt grandad on my dads side was  belcher small married to sophie  small.they had 5 children.sophie passed first.her father was joshua small .her children was  josh leonard hugh membrance  and harry..belcher took the kids from new your to new jersey after sophie passed.....sophie's dad wanted to keep the kids with him but belcher would not allow it..belchers son josh was my grandad he married ada stanley who had my dad in 1920  willie small,they had 5 kids dad willie lacy/leonard his proper name an nicholes she was uncle lacys twin an then there was marnetta an julie...all hav passed.i feel if we dont teach our children about our people an our language it will stop with us....there are so many that have no idea they are romanichels an do not know thier god given language...i hav raised my two boy up know who they are an to be God loving romanys..they speak an understand  our launguage  pretty good.thier is not enough attention given to our people here in the usa..well this is getting too long i will end here...
Comment by Fiona Baum on August 20, 2009 at 9:31am
My Small family originate in Buckinghamshire and end up in Cardiff, Wales.
Comment by Michelle McKenzie on July 22, 2009 at 8:11am
I'm researching the James Small and Ann Beveridge family from Washington County, NY. He was born in Scotland in 1749 and died in Cambridge, NY August 13, 1827. Ann was born 1755 in Scotland and died June 10, 1830 in Cambridge, NY. They had children: Edward, George, Jeannette and Anna.

There was a book written on the family in 1907, but the lineage of James is wrong. I've worked with someone in Scotland who went through the estate papers and he said the James that the author of the book said was ours in Scotland actually died young. So, I'm still trying to get back over the ocean to where James came from.

Members (8)



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