Genealogy Wise

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Save Our (Local Genealogical) Societies


Save Our (Local Genealogical) Societies

Discussion, Tips, and Innovations to strengthen and help local genealogical societies with growth and ideas for activities

Members: 39
Latest Activity: Sep 7, 2019

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"First Families" projects?

Started by Allison Fredrickson. Last reply by Allison Fredrickson Jan 23, 2014. 2 Replies

Genealogical Society websites

Started by M. Diane Rogers Dec 11, 2010. 0 Replies

Genelogical Society News: Feel free to return here and start a discussion topic on anything that interests you.

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Comment by RJLTrudel-PLCGS on March 3, 2012 at 8:52am

Looking for a sample of modern day" Society constitution" I have a 30 yr old one from the society I formed 30 years ago, but this afternoon I have a chance to revive it. I need some guidance in the modernizing it to implement the DIGITAL ARCHIVING side of it -so we can make our new society members accessible internationally-- the residents that left can join and search and even build up the history side of it!--Thx

Comment by James P. LaLone on May 12, 2011 at 4:24pm

Subject: For non profit organizations -Charitable Deductions Are At Risk of Being Eliminated


Charitable Deductions Are At Risk of Being Eliminated
President Obama recently announced his intention to create a new work-group composed of leaders from both parties to reach a final agreement on a plan to reduce the deficit. Among the items that the President specifically addressed in his four-part proposal to reduce the deficit was spending on itemized deductions -- “from home ownership to charitable giving.” Please contact your members of Congress and ask them to protect the charitable deduction as a fair and important incentive for charitable giving. Let them know that your organization depends on the charitable gifts that this tax incentive generates. Please click here for more information on what you can do to help preserve the charitable deduction.


Nancy Finegood

Executive Director

Michigan Historic Preservation Network

107 East Grand River

Lansing, MI 48906

Comment by Sally Nelson on April 17, 2011 at 11:54am

I'm sorry but I can't remember if I made this suggestion or not.  I have been helping our Society with sending notices out to the media in our area for our meetingsw (and 4/30 conference).  As many of you have probably found, we can send out notices but it is hit or miss if they will publish it even on their community calendars.  Many of our smaller, local papers have been taken over by larger corporate organizations who don't particulary want to publish local news.  I have found that if these smaller papers are lucky enough to still have social columns for their various communities, the columnists will be happy to print something for you.  You just need to keep your information brief and to the point.  Check with them for their deadlines and requirements.


Comment by James P. LaLone on April 17, 2011 at 11:40am
We have been better about getting meetings posted in the events calender of the newspapers here which does seem to help with attendance but cannot see much result for adding members. We will soon be meeting with some of the local tri-county genealogy & historical societies for a brainstorming session to promote our groups.
Comment by Sally Nelson on January 11, 2011 at 9:08pm
Yes, it tends to get confusing between the states and the UK!  Come on down for the conference and we can get a chance to meet :)
Comment by Ellen Healy on January 11, 2011 at 8:58pm
Hi, Sally. I was just in the chat room with you! I knew that name sounded familiar! I've noticed this posting because the county right next to me here in New Jersey is also Sussex County- it is the most northwest one in the State! Caught my eye!
Comment by Sally Nelson on January 11, 2011 at 8:13pm

I've already posted this on the Delaware Ancestry group, but thought I would also post our conference notice here.  This way you can see what our small society is trying to do to spread the word. 




The Sussex County Genealogical Society in Delaware will hold a one-day conference, “Tracking Your Ancestors” on April 30, 2011.  Featured speakers Julia Coldren-Walker, Rebecca Koford, Charles Mason and others will cover topics such as Beginning Genealogy, Church Records, Identifying Photographs, Researching Your Home’s History, Brick Walls, and Methodology.  A special feature will be individual consultations by John Lyon, John Polk, and Mike Hitch who will use their land platting expertise to help researchers find their colonial ancestral lands on the Delmarva Peninsula.


The conference will be held at the Delmarva Christian High School in Georgetown, Delaware.  More information can be found at


Comment by Deason Hunt on December 10, 2010 at 9:45pm

And, yet another one bites the dust. From the Weatherford, Texas Democrat newspaper online Dec. 10, 2010: Genealogical society dissolves after four decades
From the article: "After 41 years, the Parker County Genealogical Society is no longer sifting through decades-old records or reading through 100-year-old microfiche." The remainder is at the link above.

Comment by Ellen Healy on November 17, 2010 at 6:26pm
Same with us, Sally. We are a small county chapter, too. But I agree, it is worth the dues. I enjoy their strategy papers and the Forum. I hope the information works. Yes, please keep us posted.
Comment by Sally Nelson on November 17, 2010 at 6:24pm
Thank you for your thoughts Deason and Ellen. I did find some general information on that my husband is going to follow up on. I'll keep you posted on what we find, if it is useful.

Ellen, our Society is the only genealogical organization in Delaware that belongs to FGS as far as I know. We have had them review our By-laws and that is a great service they have. They also have guides (Strategy Papers) for Society officers that have been useful. Our only problem is FGS is geared toward large state organizations and we are a small county chapter so many of their suggestions do not work as well with us. I do think FGS is worth the small amount of dues they charge.

Members (39)



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