Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

What tidbit of information did you discover about one of your family lines this week, and how did you find it? Let's celebrate our successes!

I'll break the ice.

My great-grandfather Wesley Armfield from Wisconsin was in Berdan's Sharpshooters. I plugged his name into the World Vital Records search and up popped a couple of new entries. My favorite came from Google Books and The Life of Billy Yank, the Common Soldier of the Union, by Bell Irvin Wiley. Wesley was in the guardhouse "for whistling after taps in the company streets ... when his colonel later offered him release on promise of good behavior Armfield replied: "I will not promise because the guard tent is more comfortable than my tent and I had rather stay here."

That sounded to me like the 1860's equivalent of being sent to your room (the room equipped with a phone, television, computer, XBox, and DVD player.)

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i have looked for my italian ancestors of grandpa for years. in alps. haven't found seearching genealogical sites. am planning to travel there and look up name in the village, just south of matterhorn. kicked it into Google with the name of the village, got 866 hits on the name as businesses listed as owned by nam Molteni. a new lesson. and grandpa was an artist. he could not stop painting. it has been passed to each generation (skipped me, except i recognize good art) and turns out i read the village was started as home of 2 famous artists in middle ages.



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