Genealogy Wise

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SouthWest Ohio

This group is for anyone that has an interest in the South West Ohio area. Share your links to SW Ohio that you find useful. And maybe we can help someone knock down that brick wall.

Location: South West Ohio Counties
Members: 82
Latest Activity: Jan 8, 2023


The South West Ohio area consist of these Counties: Adams, Brown, Butler, Champaign, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Darke, Fayette, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, Madison, Miami, Montgomery, Pickaway, Pike, Preble, Ross, Scioto, and Warren.

Some of these Counties I have never worked with before, but I can hunt up some info for all of them and post it. Please jump on in here if you know of any great site's for these Counties!

Please feel free to post where you are looking and who you are looking for, you never know when someone might be able to give you a lead. I have some sites for the areas I am working on that I will post. As I find sites for other Counties in the SW I will post them also. Please, if you have any links for the area's you are working post them so maybe they can help someone else out.


Discussion Forum

Clermont, Clinton and Hamilton Co. Books and CD's I have for look ups.

Started by Lori Deible Chaffin. Last reply by Jennifer Kerchaert Nov 26, 2013. 2 Replies

Hamilton County Information

Started by Lori Deible Chaffin. Last reply by Lori Deible Chaffin Mar 7, 2012. 33 Replies

Butler County Information

Started by Michael Alan Lewis. Last reply by Laressa Northrup Jul 26, 2011. 3 Replies

Butler County Information

Started by Lori Deible Chaffin. Last reply by Michael Alan Lewis Jul 24, 2011. 18 Replies

Scioto County Information

Started by Lori Deible Chaffin. Last reply by Joan Asche Aug 16, 2010. 33 Replies

Montgomery County Information

Started by Lori Deible Chaffin. Last reply by Lori Shoemaker Hellmund Jul 22, 2010. 20 Replies

State wide sites with links to most Counties

Started by Lori Deible Chaffin. Last reply by Lori Deible Chaffin Jun 7, 2010. 9 Replies

% Info I have of my father`s maternal fam Crozier /Crosier

Started by Rosetta Davis,JAnes. Last reply by Lori Deible Chaffin Mar 17, 2010. 1 Reply

Warren County Information

Started by Lori Deible Chaffin. Last reply by Lori Deible Chaffin Feb 11, 2010. 18 Replies

Clark County Information

Started by Lori Deible Chaffin. Last reply by Lori Deible Chaffin Feb 11, 2010. 15 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of SouthWest Ohio to add comments!

Comment by Lynn Funk, PLCGS on June 24, 2020 at 7:20pm

Hi, my name is Lynn Funk and I am researching the Janes Family in Ross County,  Stark family in Scioto County, Heibels and Kellisons in Pike County.  Would be happy to share information with anyone researching these surnames.

Comment by Kate Wagner on October 10, 2013 at 9:16am

Seeking someone to do a lookup in Cincinnati, Hamilton County for the last will and testament and obituary for Adam Turnpaugh, d. about 1832 in Cinci.

Comment by Michael Alan Lewis on July 23, 2011 at 9:22pm
My 3rd Great Grandfather was Thomas Jefferson Lewis, born in Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio in 1810. His father was Jonathan Lewis and mother was Elizabeth Coon. They came to Butler County in 1804 from Basking Ridge, Somerset County, New Jersey.
Comment by James E. Bridges on March 5, 2011 at 2:42pm
My grandfather, Howard Sidney Shoemaker, was born in 1898 in, Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio. I am interested in information concerning his father, Samuel David Shoemaker of Ohio, or his mother, Nora A. Scott Shoemaker of Ohio. Jim Bridges.
Comment by Bridgid Kelly on March 26, 2010 at 10:03am
Anyone out there researching the Clare or Ross families? I have quite a bit of info and am happy to share, but have hit a brick wall.
Comment by Lori Deible Chaffin on October 8, 2009 at 7:38pm
Hi Everyone,

We got back a while ago, but I have had a lot of personal things come up that I am dealing with.

I have been collecting links from the many mailing list I am on and will continue to post them as I make a little more time. I am helping my daughter get a house ready to move into. We have been painting and scrubbing and shampooing carpet. She moves in on the 20th and now we have most of the hard work done, so I hope to start having some time to deal with what I like;~)
Comment by Shar Pearce on September 25, 2009 at 12:50pm

Per your post of Sept. 11, I did check the two websites. The data at the second site I already had. I did scrutinize the site on Hugh Montgomery. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that my Samuel Montgomery was not closely related to this Hugh Montgomery even though Hugh et al. eventually settled in Decatur Co., IN as did Samuel's daughter, Nancy Montgomery and her husband Wm. Rogers whose father was a neighbor of Samuel's near Stouts, Green Twp., Adams Co., OH and Wm. Rogers, Jr.'s brother, Oliver, also married one of Samuel's many daughters. It was interesting to learn that Hugh and wife and some others were buried on a farm that became wooded over and was later cleared off, while Wm. and Nancy, and her widowed mother, Margaret Barker Montgomery and various children and grandchildren were buried at Shiloh Cemetery, specifically developed from donated land for the Methodists of the area. I believe that Samuel and Margaret may be the couple without children (yet) listed in the census of Washington Co., PA in 1790 and that he was probably from Ulster in general (no. Ireland). No record he served in the Revolution (too young and not in the colonies yet probably); but he did only have one arm.

I am now trying to learn if the Wm. Montgomery of Scioto Co. was related to Hugh, Samuel, or was Samuel's son, Wm. That person reportedly owned a fair bit of land in Scioto Co.

Thank you again.
Comment by Lori Deible Chaffin on September 24, 2009 at 7:42pm
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know that I am going to be away for the next 3 days. We are going to a Chaffin family reunion this weekend. We leave tomorrow and will return sometime Sunday. I will check in here as soon as I get back.

I have posted all the links I have gathered from the many mailing list I am on, and I will start collecting more once I get back.

If anyone has any links to add that they use and find helpful, please add them. You can add them to the discussion forum they go with or you can add them here on the comment wall and I will put them in a discussion when I get back.

Happy hunting!
Comment by Lori Deible Chaffin on September 11, 2009 at 6:45pm

Have you seen these 2 sites? I searched for them the same was as I did for Leman Gifford. Wit both of these names there were hits for Google books. For Hugh one of the Google books was the history of Adams Co. OH.

Descendants of Samuel Montgomery

hugh montgomery
Comment by Lori Deible Chaffin on September 11, 2009 at 1:52pm

I went to Google and entered Leman Gifford Ohio
Just those three words and I looked at about the first 5 or 6 pages of hits. Sometimes I find that with Google searches there really are some great goodies even on the ninth and tenth pages of hits. You know better what you are looking for than I do so you might find something that I over looked.

That is how I found the site for the descendants of Annaniah GIFFORD and saw the hits for Google Books. You might want to give it a try and see if any of it is info that is helpful to you.

Members (82)



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