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Genealogists enjoy solving good mysteries

By Tamie Dehler
Special to the Tribune-Star

TERRE HAUTE — Nearly everybody likes a good mystery. Solving mysteries is part of the appeal of genealogy. But when the mystery is too much for us, it becomes a formidable brick wall. Writer Emily Anne Croom has written a book that applies the language and methods of our favorite literary detectives to solving the mysteries of our family heritage. Her work is entitled The Sleuth Book for Genealogists: Strategies for More Successful Family History Research.

Croom uses the creative approach of applying the quotations and problem-solving techniques of our favorite fictional detectives-such as Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, and Miss Marple-to uncover the facts in our own family histories. Interwoven with the advice of the sleuths are practical approaches to goal-setting, research, organization, and documentation, with interesting tips and reminders along the way. The book also includes several real-life case studies in which she takes us step-by-step through an analysis of brick walls that eventually came tumbling down. These research examples include finding the parents of a Civil War veteran, finding slave ancestors, and finding the elusive line of a female ancestor.

The author devotes a chapter to what she calls “cluster genealogy.” This is the study of the community that surrounds the individual who is the focus of research. When nothing more about the individual can be ascertained, then it is time to investigate others who appear to be family members, neighbors, or friends. She writes: “When we cannot find direct statements of the events, names, dates, places, and relationships we need for our focus ancestor, we search for clues and evidence wherever we can find them to get the answers indirectly. The cluster is often the path toward these clues. Some clusters provide more help than others, and some are easier to identify than others. However, one thing is certain. A researcher has a much greater chance of success when studying the cluster than when clinging to one name as the sole subject of the research.”

By using the advice of the sleuths to tackle your brick walls, it is hoped that you can someday say “case closed.”

The Sleuth Book for Genealogists: Strategies for More Successful Family History Research is published by the Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. at 3600 Clipper Mill Rd., Suite 260, Baltimore, MD 21211-1953, and sells for $34.95 plus $5 for shipping for the first book and $2.50 each for additional books. It can be ordered at or by calling the toll-free order line at 1-800-2....

Other books by the same author include Unpuzzling Your Past, The Unpuzzling Your Past Workbook, The Genealogist’s Companion & Sourcebook, and A Genealogist’s Guide to Discovering Your African-American Ancestors.


n I am a descendant of the Eppert family, and I am curious if anyone has information on the family cemetery, located in Clay County, Indiana. I am assuming that it was on the homestead property. There is at least one record that says in the 1910s it was called the Jacob(s) and Eppert Cemetery. If anyone has some information please contact Mike Whitman at e-mail

n Looking for location of Fork of the Creek Cemetery in Florida Township, Parke County, Indiana. Any help appreciated thanks

Please e-mail your queries about a Wabash Valley person or surname to or mail to Genealogy, Tribune-Star Publishing Co., P.O. Box 149, Terre Haute, IN 47808.

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Comment by Linda on June 20, 2010 at 6:10am
Hello StacyA, I can understand how you feel. I too am very frustrated by all the paid sites that offer little of what I am looking for. What I did was subscribe to New England Genealogy which gives a lot of information for $75 per year. That's the only site I paid for. The rest, you are on the right track because the sites will give you two weeks to try it out. For example, which is very expensive. The trick is to wait until you plan to spend two weeks researching, use the site, and then decide if it is worth the cost. Best thing is that you can decide how long you want to subscribe. (I don't; don't have the time and don't want to waste the two week trial.)

You can also try Specify your search and years you want to narrow down the search. There is free information out there, it just takes time to look, googling, for it. Hope this helps.
Comment by John Rampton on August 21, 2009 at 11:11am
Do you use twitter?
Comment by John Rampton on July 16, 2009 at 9:59am
What is every ones thoughts about online genealogy? What would you like to see?
Comment by John Rampton on July 13, 2009 at 3:12pm This is a great site that a friend told me about. They help people like you and me get past the stump that I always seem to find myself in when searching for names.

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