Genealogy Wise

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William Barton was born in 1782 in Greenville, SC. He married Stacy Pryor, dau of William Pryor probably in Alabama. I have not found record of married but William Pryor moved to Clarke Co, AL in 1814/5. I believe Stacy and William's olderst daughter Parenthia was born in 1816 in Alabama. William and Stacy Barton are listed in Austin's Registry of Families. They are on page 11, #160 with 2 sons, 3 daughters and 5 other dependants (slaves??)

William was called the "Daniel Boone of Texas:. He moved from SC to Kentucky then to Alabama. He was in Marengo Co during the Creek War of 1816. His father died about that time and he inherited 5 slaves. He came to Texas in 1828 with two of his brothers and their familes. in 1828. He recieved a headright from the Mexican Government for a league on the west side of the Colorado River. in what is now Bastrop Co. He was elected local Comisario in 1830. He was such a loner that when a neighbor settled within ten miles of his cabin, he moved 45 miles up the Colorado River to a site near present day Austin. In 1837, he and Stacy patented land near the springs. (now called Barton Springs)

William's three daughters were recorded as being great beauties and there is on file a letter from William to the Governor asking him to remove the soldiers that had been sent to protect them against the Indians because "it was easier to keep the Indians away than it was to keep the soldiers away from his daughters."

William Barton died on 11 Apr 1840. and was buried near Barton Springs. His bofy was reportedly reinterred in Williamson County near Round Rock by no record of reburial has been found.

Children of William Barton are Wayne Barton (first sheriff of Austin) Jefferson A Barton, Parenthia Barton, Zenobia Barton and Eliza Barton. Both Wayne and Jefferson fought at the Battle of San Jacinto.

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