Genealogy Wise

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I'm descended from a couple who joined the Pleasant Hill Society: Phineas RUNYON and Charity COATES. It looks like quite a few of the family joined. Their son John William RUNYON seemed to have left the society and I'm descended from him.

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Hi Debbie...lost what I was typing when I went looking for this info....Nancy Reddy is a Runyon descendant and posted this website on GENFORUM a few years ago.

I am familiar with the Runyon name and if you need info on the list from Marc Rhorers book GONE TO THE WORLD..let me know. He used the original journals to record every member of the society at Pleasant Hill, KY with birth and death dates, when they left the society or died. It also gives the date they arrived at Pleasant Hill. There are 26 with the surname Runyon listed.

The end of Sept my cousin and I did our pilgrimage to Shakertown following the Dutch Cousins reunion....I have some pictures on my facebook if you are on there yourself. Just look for Barbara Whiteside if you want to add me as a friend so you can see them. Two years ago my cousin and I found the gravestone marking the grave of Charity Banta 4th gt of only a couple dozen or so markers still standing. Her son and my 3rd grandfather and his wife are also there, as is his younger sister and one older sister...numerous nieces and nephews are buried there too. John Banta is also my 4th gt grandfather and he left Pleasant Hill for the Shaker community at South Union, near Bowling Green, KY. The village of Pleasant HIll is on property he bought and gave to the Shakers. Let me know if you need any particular info on your Runyons..glad to share what I have.



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