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I am researching Nicholas Van Slyke who lived in Oxford County, Ontario, Canada during the first half of the 1800's. If anyone else is researching Van Slykes in Canada, or has any information, I would love to share.

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Hi Liz.

I have been checked on Nicholas Van Slyke with the family. Martha Van Slyke, my husband's gg grandmother was born in Canada in 1825 . The family talks of Nicholas (born about 1799 in US) getting work on the Erie Canal. They built a raft and floated across the Niagara River to Canada. His wife was Mary Lounsbery(sp?) There were at least 7 children in Nicholas Van Slyke's home through the years He lived for a time in Elderslie, Keppel Lot 13,concession 23.

Martha, Mary, Nancy, and John Lounsberry Van Slyke were born to Mary Lounsbery and Nicholas. I am not sure whether Louisa, Ruth were daughters or granddaughters. The name Garret pops with son?or brother? (question marks )on charts made thirty years ago. Mary died and Nicholas remarried to Catherine Case in 1837. Lewis was born in 1842.
Lousia (or Eliza) married Wilmot Case and had 3 children. She died in 1863 and eight years later her son went to live with Nicholas and Catherine Van Slyke.

Have you heard of a Garret in your family stories? Have you any information on Mary Lounsbery or Ruth who married a man called Hodgkins.

Nancy became Mrs Birch (land transfer to a Birch of the Elderslie property.

Hope you can add some family information
Thanks, Reny,

You have way more information than I have. Anything I have previously learned was through doing a bit of searching on the internet. Unfortunately I have no living relatives (that I know of) who have even heard of the Van Slykes. I'm sure my father would have been able to help, but he died in 1957, when I was very young.

What I do know is that Mary Lounsbury, daughter of Nicholas and Mary, married Stephen W. Haines in the 1840's. They lived in Kirkton/Woodham near St. Mary's. Their second daughter, Nancy Ann, b.1847, married Thomas Bugg. They lived first in St. Mary's and then later in Chesley (the Elderslie connection). They were my grandparents. My father, Nathan Richard Bugg, was the youngest of six children, and I was his youngest, so there are huge gaps of time and information.

If I do discover any facts, I will pass them along to you.

I think we have a connection from my husband's Atkey grandmother too. James Atkey (a cousin) married Hariett Bugg in 1895 in Oxenden.

Did some your relatives go to the American midwest ( Wisconsin, Illinois)? That was popular in the late 1800's. Some traveling Methodist preachers believed that the Lost Tribe of Israel was in this area and they could find the Garden of Eden there. (A Methodist traveling preacher by the name of Van Slyke who believed and taught this too.
I am definitely related to the Atkey family through Hariett Bugg. I have met some of them just outside of Vancouver, where the family was living.
I know nothing about any Van Slykes in the American mid-west.



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