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I'm looking for information on my ancestor Benjamin A. Lewis born ca. 1818 and wife Lucia, I have them in the 1860, 1870 & 1880 Claremont,Sullivan,NH censuses and have asked for a 1850 lookup but would be happy to know anything else. I found a record in the IGI of a son Willie Anderson born in Springfield, Windsor,VT 26 Feb 1857 so they must have moved to NH not long after that since they are there in 1860 and daughter Anna L. was born Sep 1861 probably Claremont.
I'm not sure if they had any other children. I think I have Lucia's maiden name here somewhere too, just not right here, as most of the family history was kept by my moms family and handed down to her and then me. It's just not all in my FTM as yet.
In 1900 & 1910 Anna is with her NEVERS aunts/uncles still in Claremont.
1920 Anna's head of household with a few boarders, also still in Calremont.
1930 Anna's living on her own, still in Claremont.
She passed away after 1958 as I have a photo and written on the back it says Anna was 90 yrs old in 1958.
Thanks for any help you might offer

*** UPDATE: GeneJ sent me Anna's birth registration, it says Benjamin was born in Springfield,VT and Lucia in Rockingham, VT..

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As mentioned I have those censuses, Mooney found what I believe is them in 1850:
Claremont, Sullivan, NH
Benjamin A. Lewis, 23, manufacturer, value of real estate 400,born NH.
Lucia W.?, 21, born NH.
Gracia M. Bemis, 22, born NH
Amanda M. Rice, 30, born NY
Betsey Rufs??, 34, born VT
Abigail Taylor, _ (might be a 9 or I, or J?) maybe I for infant?, born NY
Adeline H. Arnold, 18, born NH
NOTE: not sure if this is a boarding house or what.........
This is the best match found so far, but his age should be 33 and born VT.

Claremont,Sullivan, NH

Lucretia Nevers, 57, 1000, 200, born NH
Marcia A., 26, born VT
Lucia S., 26, born VT
Benj A, 43, factory operator, 1000, 300, born VT
Nevers, Charles H., 20, factory operator, born NH
Nevers, Addison, 15, factory operator, born NH

note: right next door is:
Nevers, Henry, 30, born VT
Nevers, Adeline W., 31, factory operator,born NH
Story, Marva?, 24, facotry operator, born NH
Story, Ellen, 19, born NH

(NEVERS AND LEWIS are both ancestors)

Claremont, Sullivan, NH
Lewis, Benjamin A, 53, farmer, 1000, 300, born VT
Lewis, Lucia, 35, keeping house, born VT
Lewis, Anna, 9, attends school, born NH

Claremont, Sullivan, NH
Lewis, Benjamin, 62, farmer, born VT, father born MA, mother born VT
Lewis, Lucia, 46, keeping house, born VT, father born NH, mother born NH
Lewis, Anna, 18, works at papermill?, born NH

Claremont, Sullivan, NH
Nevers, Henry C. born Jan 1830, 70, md 35 yrs, born VT, parents born VT, repairer-shoes.
Nevers, Lucina (should be Lucinda) M., born Sep 1833, 66, md 35 yrs, born VT parents born VT
Lewis, Annie L., niece, born Sep 1861, 38, single, born NH, parents born VT.

Claremont, Sullivan, NH
Nevers, Addison?, 65, widowed, born NH, parents born NH, painter- houses.
Lewis, Anna, niece, 45?, single, born NH, parents born VT, stitcher- shoe store? shop?

Claremont, Sullivan, NH
Lewis, Anna L., head, 58, single, born NH parents born VT, housework.
Bowles, Alice A, boarder
Parent, Clayton A, head
Parent, Minnie E, wife,
Laroche, Lillian D,. dau.; Maurice X or K, son; Albert J, son.

Claremont, Sullivan, NH
Lewis, Anna L., 69, single, born NH, parents born VT, organist- Union?? Church



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