Genealogy Wise

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This thread is for posting links to websites, information, and places related to researching the genealogy of our Waters families.

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My Tree - Includes all my Waters connections back to Isaac Waters that immigrated from England and participated in the Revolutionary War as part of the Virginia Navy.
Welcome, Christina! It's great to hear from another Waters descendant.
My Waters line immigrated to the US earlier (exactly when is my brick wall!) but chose the side of the British during the Revolution. As Loyalists, these 6 Waters brothers had to leave New England in 1783, 3 went to Canada and the other 3 went to California. My particular Waters ancestor, George Wilmot Waters then immigrated to Boston from Canada in the 1880's, where the family remained. What is especially interesting is that your Isaac Waters was from Westfield (Parish?) in England, and my Waters settled in (and may have had some part in naming) Westfield, New Brunswick, Canada. It may be more than just coincidence. In addition, my line goes thus . . .
George Wilmot Waters, son of Nelson Waters, son of Joel Waters who came to Canada at the age of 7 with two brothers. I don't know yet who Joel's father was or exactly where in the States he was born, but he did name his first-born son Isaac. And one of Joel's brothers was Abraham. Experience has shown me not to discount these naming traditions among families. Have you had the same experience? Do you know anything about Isaac's brothers?
I know nothing of the Canadian Waters line aside from having heard of them at some point in my wanderings two years ago to dig up what I have on my line up 4 generations from my great grandpa Samuel Calvin Waters who's prior lack of info do to family feuding ignited my search for the rest of the story to that branch of my tree as well as many others that had missing or conflicting info.

The question on the exact meaning of the Westfield name in the location of Isaac's birth had me doing a bit of refresher geography research. I remember his town having been an old one with a new name. In fact, Westfield doesn't belong in the location at all. I'm not sure where it came from, all I know is that multiple sources have pointed to his town of origin being the town of Pontefract (formerly Pomfret) in West Yorkshire, just southeast of the town of Leeds, England. The town apparently has a colorful history worthy of a nice chunky page on Wikipedia, though I found it with Google Earth.

I also have no info about Isaac's brothers other than what I have on my tree. As far as naming traditions go, they just drive me nuts for the most part considering John, William, Elizabeth, Ann, and Mary Polly seem to be the most common names of the English and Scottish immagrants in my family lines that date back that far. For my mom's side, it's the name David Wood that drives me completely insane due to it's over-usage making connecting dots near impossible.
In West Sutton, Massachusetts, the farm started by Stephen Waters in 1757, still exists and can be visited during several events held annually, and there is a contact person for Waters genealogy. Betty is a wonderful person and an invitation to join this group has been sent. There is a website giving the history, schedule of events, and photos. . .

I am a Watters living in Saint John, NB, Canada.

I have been doing some genealogy research for the Wat(t)ers of Saint John, New Brunswick researching my family tree.
I am pretty sure I am a decedent of Joel Waters a loyalist that migrated to Saint John, NB 1783.  The same Joel that September mentions.

I know I am a descendent of Henry Watters b 1835 m Matilda A Stevens b 1830, but I have not proven that Henry is the son of Nelson Waters b 1808, a son of Joel Waters.

This is what I have so far for the descendents of Joel Watters. Not all information has been verified.

Any help filling in holes or correcting mistakes is welcome. Thank you.




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