Genealogy Wise

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I descend daughter Mary Winthrop, first wife of Rev. Samuel Dudley of Exeter, New Hampshire, son of Gov. Thomas Dudley. Mrs. Mary Winthrop Dudley had Ann Dudley who wed Exeter, N.H., lawyer Edward Hilton, Jr., who had Dudley Hilton who wed Mercy Hall, who had Elizabeth Hilton who wed Christopher Robinson of Exeter, who's daughter wed Rochester, N.H., legislator, inn keeper, one-armed Maj. Barnabas Palmer, Sr., who's daughter wed LtCol David Copp, Sr., Dover, N.H., legislator, whos son, David Copp, Jr., Esq., was murdered 1803 in a New Orleans, Louisiana gambling house. Daughter Adeline Cecelia Copp wed New Orleans lawer Adj. Lt. John Nixon, Battle of New Orleans. They died Biloxi, Miss. They had Jane Ann Nixon who wed LtCol. Robert Wm. James, born Wilmington, N.C., 1811, who had my great grandfather, Biloxi ship's pilot and harbormaster, Capt. Harry Copp James who wed Leila Ogden Malone of Mobile and Galveston.

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