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Descendents of William Richard Goodheart and Sarah Ann Clouse


Descendents of William Richard Goodheart and Sarah Ann Clouse

This is a group dedicated to researching the ancestors and descendents of William Richard Goodheart,1780-1841 and Sarah Ann Clouse.

Members: 5
Latest Activity: Nov 14, 2012

This is a copy of an Ambrotype of John Goodheart, c 1850. John was born in 1828, in Bloomington Illinois. He married Sarah Katherine Shober in 1850, fathered 4 children, 2 of whom survived to adulthood, and one of whom married and had children of her own. John was killed in the Civil War, August 16, 1862 at Merryweather's Ferry, Obion Co TN This photo was scanned from a very old, neglected ambrotype. I did a little restoration, but not much.

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Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on November 14, 2012 at 7:11pm

I do hope that someone reads this, because i have no idea how to reach all of you.  I finished scanning and transcribing the letters, an amazing gift!  Now I am researching.  I may have found Sarah Clouse's family.  A Jacob Clouse got a military land grant in Franklin County Ohio in 1814, in March.  Sarah married William in August of 1814.  Either I'm off the track or it's not the right one.  I also found another  J.Clouse in Franklin County Ohio, in the 1850 census born in MD  in 1790.   That's all the farther I am with that.  The second Jacob must be Sarah's brother.  He also would have been 24 in 1814, so could have been in the War of 1812.   I'll work on that. 

Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on July 17, 2012 at 10:05pm

I am having a tech problem tonight.  I posted the letter below before I explained what it is.  I received a box of letters from a cousin that John Goodheart, his wife and others wrote during the Civil War.  John was killed in August of 1862 in Tennessee.  The letters were written from August 2 of 1861 until the day before he died.   They took my breath away.  I am scanning them and transcribing them.  The one i just posted is a transcription of one that he wrote when he was in the Mexican War.  This is the only one from that war.  There are probably 80 or more letters.  He wrote very faithfully.  James is mentioned .

Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on July 17, 2012 at 10:02pm

Camp  (Sic posse AI?) Pass Aqua Nueva Mexico
December 27 th, 1846
Dear Mother and Brother
With the most heart felt satisfaction, I drop a few lines to you again informing you of what is going on at present and as I have no dout but you feel a desire to know something of my own personal health I can say it is as good as it has been although i have had a good deal of sickness since i left home But i think that i have had my portion of trouble and as for marching i stand it first rate and feel much better than when we are a laying still.  It is no dout but you all know all a bout the proceedings of this division at home as we do ourselves.  We have not had a chance at the Mexicans yet but we have had some hard marching to get at them but they never stood still and give us a fire at their black faces    We have marched about one thousand miles and took every town as we passed through at one city San Rosa there was a great many Mexicans Soldiers but they fled as soon as came near the town and it has been so for several times. The distance that General Taylor's Army has marched is about two hundred miles.  We are Stationed at this pass in the mountains to keep Santa Anna from getting through to this town.

Pg 2
Salteo their is a number of the American soldiers Their General Batted (sic?) and General Worth with their Armys.  I believe that the health of the Army is good.  I wish to send some word to mother in this sheet your can after reading it send it to her.
To Mother A few lines that by the blessing of Providence my health is good and sincerely trust that these lines will find you the same. And all of my acquaintances And trust that it may be my lot once more of seeing you in health enjoying all the blessings that earth can bestow.  There is six months of my time rolled around and it proves to me how swiftly times rolls around.  Soon the year will pass by and gone.  I think that the Army is but a poor place for a young person to improve in mortality unless he sits down and looks on and witness the proceedings of others he can then mark out his own path to walk and easy it is for him to follow that path if he will and i think i have learnt a lesson since i left home that will be of some use to me in after life.  As there is but little time to write i will Say that we have buried but one of our Company Since we left Alton.  His name was George Filey  We left his remains at MontClovia (sic?) i believe this is all at present. Good By.  Give my love to all of my brothers and sisters.  Your Son
Sarah Goodheart                              John Goodheart

Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on September 1, 2011 at 4:36pm

Forgive me for the big pictures....Can't seem to get the right size for the Wise Genealogist.  Pretty soon they will kick me out for not being wise enough. :-)

Where is everybody.  I hope you have checked this site out.  There is a lot of good information out there.  Maybe even appropriate sizing for posting picture.

Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on September 1, 2011 at 4:33pm
This is Palmer Lincoln Goodheart.  Those Goodheart boys were sure handsome.  In the other picture of the four cousins, I think I had Palmer and Jesse mixed up. 
Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on August 13, 2011 at 11:27am
Bobbi, I have a picture of Palmer, Jesse, my great aunt and great grandmother, and I'm posting it, now.  I think the blonde is Palmer and the dark haired young man is Jesse-don't ask me how I know that.  It was a tin-type, but I may have something other than a tin type that just has not turned up in my sorting. The seated young woman is Kate Goodheart and the standing one is Josephine.  Kate was my Great Grandmother.  As for James, the one who was in charge of the Sunshine mission was a son of the first James.  As far as I can tell, except for the Civil war, James the first never left Bloomington.  He was a brick layer and farmer, and father.   He also liked to have his picture taken.:-), which is really nice for us.
Comment by Bobbie Sue Goodheart on August 13, 2011 at 5:22am
I'm so glad that you and your family are ok!  I started thinking yesterday & may still have that info somewhere in my notes.  Will try to find it.  I only get to play on the computer in early am before work or before Mike wakes up on the weekends.  He plays Frontierville so he's on there from when he gets up til he goes to bed.  My cousin is "tweaking" our old computer for me, though, so I should be able to spend more time pretty soon. Where on this site do we find or add family info? Do you have anything on Palmer Lincoln?  Did you know that James ran a mission for a long time? I found info on that, but forgot where it was.  Will look again. Have a great day!
Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on August 12, 2011 at 9:02am
I don't still have her e-mail address, I don't think.  I am sorting now, so I may find it.  We had a major forest fire here, and were evacuated-everything was fine, and left in our RV.  I got all the photos and the computer, of course, and all of our valuable papers out.  Even though everything was fine, It made me realize what a mess I'm in with my genealogy.  So, I'm working on it.
Comment by Bobbie Sue Goodheart on August 12, 2011 at 4:43am

Morning Ellen!  I was wondering about that Bible, too.  I sent her an email once offering to buy it (when I got an income tax check), but nothing ever came of it.  Now I don't know how to reach her.  It must have come from Palmer Lincoln's family, though if it was from Kansas.  I would still be interested in sharing the cost if you know how to reach her.

So you now know Rick.  I gave him copies of all I had..not sure what all he has done.  Soo good to be able to talk to you again!


Comment by Ellen Rowan Taylor on August 11, 2011 at 1:31pm
Bobbie Goodheart, Rick's sil just joined this morning. I invited her to the Goodheart group.  I'll be delighted to talk to her again!

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