Beasley Family Group

For anyone researching the last name Beasley, this group is for you.
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    Looking for Beasley/Gullifer Family from Poplar London UK, also any Woodley Family from Ashdon Essex.UK.
  • Sandra Boyd

    My 2nd Great Grandfather, Richard Beasley was born in Cork, Ireland, approx 1808-1811.  He married Ann Dale b. 1816, they had at least ten children.   They emigrated to the U.S. and settled in Canton, MA.  Richard died there in 1883, Ann died sometime after 1870.  His grandson, my grandfather, George Henry Beasley moved to California.  He owned a plumbing company, bought up real estate (most of which he lost in the Depression) was a prospector (dragged the family all around the west looking for the "Big Strike") and once ran for public office in Pasadena, CA, where the family lived until 1946.  I am looking for information about the family's origin in Ireland. 
  • James Crossland

    Looking for any information on Anderson Beasley(1810-1853) who married Evaline Nicks (1819-1865) on 20 Nov 1835 in Edwards County, Illinois.  He was from Tennessee, and she was from Illinois.