7 members
Related Courses: Research: Mayflower Ancestors Research: U.S. Colonial New England Ancestors Research: United Empire Loyalist Ancestors US: Military Records (Colonial, including Rev War) Check for scheduled virtual meetings: https://www.genealogicalstudies.com/eng/chats.asp
25 members
This group is for students taking any general topic course or specific record courses not in a Certificate program from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies
17 members
Transcription Tuesday will share guidelines and practical suggestions to help develop the skills for making effective transcriptions, abstracts, and extractions.
3 members
This group provides a place for International Institute students who are taking this course to share. Course Description: This course focuses on the skills needed to present genealogical-related lectures to a variety of audiences. It is a “hands on” course where the student will develop all aspe…
7 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Professional Development from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
20 members
This group is for new students taking courses from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies. Helpful FAQs will be provided. Ask any question you may have.
9 members
This group is for graduates of a Certificate program from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
17 members
This group is for students taking DNA courses or working on a DNA Certificate Package from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies. Website: https://www.genealogicalstudies.com/
58 members
This group is for students taking General Methodology courses or working on any Certificate program from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
16 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Librarianship from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
18 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Irish Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
19 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for German Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
5 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Italian Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
5 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Eastern European Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
17 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Scottish Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
43 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for English Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
35 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Australian Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
130 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for Canadian Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.
171 members
This group is for students taking courses or working on the Certificate for American Records from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies.