Genealogy Wise

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  • Washington, DC
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  • Fallon Green
  • Angelo Andrews
  • Sharon G. Holmes
  • Teresa Hillis
  • Rhonda Mosley
  • Dawnna
  • Vanessa Ann
  • Elaine Logwood
  • Gallery Group Gems
  • Angela Y Walton-Raji
  • deborah
  • Pam McCreary
  • Brandy Luckey
  • Art Thomas
  • Rhonda A Reid

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Sampson, Luckey, Leavell, Boozer, Stanley, Dorsey, Haynes, Simpson, Perkins, Brown, Harden, Easley, Brewster, Williams, Crawford, Harriss, Whitaker, Pettis, Houston, Moody, and Means
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Chestfield County, Virginia; Halifax and Northampton Counties, North Carolina; Bastrop, Cass, Leon, Freestone, Leon, Smith and Van Zandt Counties, Texas; Avoyelles, De Soto, and Rapides Parishes, Louisiana; Orangeburg, Fairfield, and Newberry Counties South Carolina; and Perry County, Alabama
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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At 3:23pm on July 25, 2009, Brandy Luckey said…
sounds good, i have Betty Catherine daughter is sending me some luckey pictures. of lizzies kids. Also, i have more information i would like to share with you. soon as i get some time i will send you a note. try this link
At 2:59pm on July 25, 2009, Brandy Luckey said…
really? my grandfather mentioned it but he couldnt remember when. Do you know what day? I am in Cali but I would like to go???
At 8:18am on July 25, 2009, Brandy Luckey said…
Well we are distant cousins. My grandfather is James Auther Luckey Born 1932-. He is Henry Luckey-1910 and Ion Byrd 1905 child. I found them on your family tree. You have done alot of reasearch. How long have you been looking?
At 11:38am on July 22, 2009, Lorine McGinnis Schulze said…
Khathu, That's a lovely photo you uploaded to the Group Lost Faces but it stretched. Can you resize it and upload again? There are instructions in the group titled "Uploading Photos to the Group". There is some kind of glitch in the site itself so that photos look okay in your personal albums but they stretch out of proportion in the groups unless resized.

At 3:41pm on July 20, 2009, Beverley Ferrell said…
I also have relatives in Red River, Upshur, etc. Can you post the names in the estate record who purchased from the estate of Franklin, I believe you said? My third ggrandfather was J.P. in Red River Area. His name was John T. Clark. He was there duing the Republic days.
At 2:59pm on July 20, 2009, Liz Loveland said…
The people I am tracing in TX (collateral lines to my direct line) were in Bastrop County, TX at the same time as your ancestors. I have been spending some of my genealogy time this summer researching the social and political history of Bastrop County at that time. If you'd like me to share anything relevant that I find out with you, I'd be happy to do so.
At 1:17pm on July 18, 2009, Beverley Ferrell said…
The process for DRT or SRT is the same. You have to be able to document a direct line that was in TX between 1836-1845 while TX was a republic. This ancestor did not have to participate in the TX-MX war or any other. Just had to be direct and living in TX.

You may be able to get an application on line.

Hope this helps.

At 3:26pm on July 16, 2009, Beverley Ferrell said…
My Castleberry's came to TX 1835 (per land grant) in Shelby Co., Richard s/o Aaron Trice Castleberry, s/o Rhicard, s/o William (not Paul as many think), s/o Heinrich. Richard & Arron Trice were in TX by 1835.

My Kelly/ey's as far back as I can go is to Samuel S. Kelly b. 1826 SC?, m. Eliza A. Hawkins b. 1826 SC. Samuel S. Kelly d. 1872 and is buried in Ball Play, Etowah Co., AL. His family removed to TX abt 1878 with married daughter and family and lived in Aubrey, Denton Co., TX. I have the children of this marriage. Looking for parents of Samuel S. Kelly. Family tradition has it that the daughter of this couple who m. Jeremiah Washington Looper in Benton/Calhoun Co., AL and came to TX was /1/2 Cherokee.

Does any of this fit with your info?
At 4:12pm on July 13, 2009, CHASTITY said…
Hey Aaron, I am a Williams living right here in Dallas, TX. We should get together on here and chat soon.
At 4:05pm on July 13, 2009, CHASTITY said…
Welcome Aaron and thanks for adding me!


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