Started Jul 11, 2012 0 Replies 0 Likes
I am looking for information on my Great grandmother Pauline Alvina Krumrei. She married Charles Folk in 1909. They were married in Washtenaw County Michigan. I am trying to find information on her…Continue
Barbara Redmond has not received any gifts yet
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Next Mid-Michigan Genealogical Society meeting:
“Breaking Down Brick Walls with DNA”, presented by Bethany Waterbury
of Next of Kin Research
Location: Plymouth Congregational Church,
2001 E. Grand River Ave., Lansing, MI
Wednesday September 23,
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Free and open to the public.!/pages/Mid-Michigan-Genealogical-Society/63844634435
Hi, I would like to introduce myself, I'm Jim LaLone – see my page here for more info:
The reason for contacting you is twofold, you don't belong to any GenealogyWise group that I can see and especially the Michigan one - on which I announce meetings of our Society. First: I am on the program and publicity committees. So I am taking this opportunity of informing you of our Society - and Facebook page - to let you know of the meetings and gatherings which take place in the tri-county area. I hope that you will try and attend these meetings and perhaps even join our group.
Next meeting of MMGS will be: Wednesday June 24,
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Topic: “The Old Northwest: Researching the early settlers”
Presented by: Larissa Northrup
Location: Plymouth Congregational Church,
2001 E. Grand River Ave., Lansing.
Free and open to the public.
The second reason is, if any of you are very knowledgeable of certain aspects of genealogy I am looking for speakers. If you are willing to give an approximately 1 hour talk on a tropic, let me know. My email is jimmypnl at (note it is spelled out so trolling search engines will not pick it up). Thanks for your time and consideration.
Don't know. What are the dates? The furthest date we have for Redmond is 1820 in South Carolina with Robert William Redmond, who moved to Alabama in by 1860 and there the line remains. R W Redmond is my 3rd great grandfather.