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Catherine Corless
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  • Galway
  • Ireland
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  • Elenore Snow
  • Alan Curless
  • Frank Donlon
  • Barbara Berkes
  • Noreen Barrett

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Nathanaëlle Pirard left a comment for Catherine Corless
"Dear Catherine,I'm actually writing a book about a girl who were in a Madgalena's laundry. I've tried to contact you via the Facebook page (with pseudo Mira Tomique). It's very important for me being realistic and respectfull of…"
Apr 16, 2020

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Orphanage Tuam
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Advanced Family History Researcher
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At 8:28am on April 16, 2020, Nathanaëlle Pirard said…

Dear Catherine,
I'm actually writing a book about a girl who were in a Madgalena's laundry. I've tried to contact you via the Facebook page (with pseudo Mira Tomique). It's very important for me being realistic and respectfull of these girls. Then I've been watching documentaries, but I've some specific questions they don't answer. 

I hope you'll contact me and agree to answer a few questions about the life in laundries.
Please excuse my english because I'm a French-speaker.

At 7:03pm on August 14, 2014, James Joseph Corless said…

Dear Catherine, 

Thank you for contacting me. I learned Michael Corless' parents names from his certificate of marriage (second marriage) in 1908. I assume that he gave the information himself and the record clearly states Mary Maloney and William Corless. This is puzzling but I suppose that Maloney and Mullin are similar enough that there could have been an error in transcription. I have been unable to locate Michael's death certificate for confirmation of his parent's names. I know that Michael was buried on Feb 28, 1917 with his first wife Louisa McLoughlin. I am very intrigued by your information and I hope to hear from you again.

At 5:10pm on August 14, 2014, Frank Donlon said…
Hi Catherine,
I received your message and forwarded it to James Joseph Corless. If for any reason you do not hear back from him, let me know and I will try again. I had also sent you a message some time ago, but I'm new to this whole system so don't know if you received it.
I do have a Corless connection in Tuam. My grandfather was James Joseph Corless, born 1887. He married Mary Eleanor Degnan, born 1889. They both grew up in Tuam as far as I've been told. James came to America in 1912 and Mary came in 1914. My mother, Mary Eleanor Corless, was their oldest child. She passed away just last September at the age of 93. I wondered if you and I might be related. As a matter of pure coincidence, I passed through Tuam last August on a tour bus through Ireland.
Please feel free to contact me directly at
At 8:43am on August 14, 2014, Alan Curless said…

Corless used in Ireland.Carliss, Corless,Curless used in England.Patrick Corless born 1822 in Galway died in England 1885,Married Mary Jane Murray born 1839 County West Meath .His father John Corless born Tuam 1800 died Gort 1900.His father born 1780 Tuam died 1836 Kinvarra.His father born Tuam 1750

Patrick Corless(1822-1885) was my great,great Grandfather.

I am proud of my Irish ancesry and would love to learn more.

My DNA shows origins in Basque country.I have identified others with same paternal DNA in Spain,France, Germany,Norway,Denmark,Scotland  and Ireland.

I would love to discover a better paper trail and real people who are directly linked to me.

Hope you can help.

Best wishes

Alan Curless

At 6:21pm on June 4, 2014, James Joseph Corless said…

Dear Catherine,

My name is James Joseph Corless and I first heard your name in a newscast a few day ago  about the mass grave containing the bodies of the 800+ infants and children unearthed in Tuam. It was a very sad story indeed. Of course, I noted that we have the same surname and when I Googled the story and your name I was directed to the Genealogy Wise web site and your discussion page.

I have been working on my family history for about 15 years and the research on the Corless line goes back to Michael Corless born in Ireland in January 1865. His father's name was William and his mother's name was Mary Maloney. Michael came to the US by himself at the age of 17 in April of 1882, I believe, on a ship named City of Richmond. I don't know what part of Ireland he came from. I just recently learned his parents' names.

MIchael and his wife Louisa McLaughlin, also from Ireland, had 5 children. The oldest child was my grandfather William J. Corless (1887-1953) born in Brooklyn NY, as was my father Vincent (1913-1958) and I.

By any chance could we be related? Or, if not, could you give me advice as to how to get further along in my research of the Corless surname?



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