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David L. Owings
  • Male
  • Kansas City, MO
  • United States
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David L. Owings's Friends

  • Bill Drayton

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Owings, McAlpin, Drayton, Robertson, Spires, Night, Oakes, Charles
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
US, UK, Liberia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 2:00am on August 28, 2010, Bill Drayton said…
David, I've just seen the 1870 Census for Charleston Ward 4. It has the names of Mary Owings and Amarentha Drayton in the same household. They are both described as mulatto.
At 5:23pm on August 27, 2010, Bill Drayton said…
David, I don't seem to see your last comment on Sarah Grimke. I am VERY interested that somehow there are Grimke papers in Texas. Yes, I would be interested in viewing the information. All the best, Bill.
At 1:29pm on August 11, 2010, Alane Roundtree said…
Hello David,

In the book "Charleston: The Place and the People," by Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, (The MacMillan Company: New York, 1912), Pgs 418-419, the author writes:

"The Ladies Benevolent Society, founded in 1813, especially for the care of the sick (one of the first societies organized in America for that purpose), even went beyond its orginial objective in efforts of this sort. It advertised for donations of cotton, that poor women might be taught to spin, there always being a demand fo rthe yarn for weaving.

The poor would have been badly off then but for this society, which, with judicious wisdom, provided nurses, linen, medicine, and food for the afflicted, in ways and by rules which, with modifications, it still works to the blessing of the suffering, -- ways and rules which have within the last few months received the praise of the highest modern authority on the subject.

Miss Nutting, the head of the Training School for Nurses of John Hopkins Hospital of Baltimore, wrote lately of the Society: "I have been struck with the wise spirit in which it was founded. The cautious distribution of alms; the effort to study and understand the needs of the sick and the helpless and to give the right kind of relief..."

The good work of this association, especially in and after times of epidemic, soon made it as popular as the Library Society or the old South Carolina had been. It received legacies and donations, had money in the bank and flourished excessively up to the time of the war between the States. Its invested funds were then chiefly destroyed and its means sorely reduced. One its most interesting donations was five hundred dollars, given by that sweetest of singers, and of women, Jenny Lind, on her visit to Charleston in 1850." [end quote].

I don't know if the Ladies Benevolent Society is the same organization as the Ladies Aid Society, but it seems plausible. Hope this helps.

Alane Roundtree
At 2:18pm on July 29, 2010, Bill Drayton said…
Hi, David! Glad to see you here. Hope Victoria will join as well. All the best, Bill Drayton.


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