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Evelyn Schneider
  • Female
  • Lilburn, GA
  • United States
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  • Lori Deible Chaffin

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Sackhoff - Hamilton County, Cincinnati, OH
Newton - MA
Newton - Ontario, Canada
Tyson - GA. FL
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
US, Germany, Canada
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 7:53pm on May 19, 2011, Lori Deible Chaffin said…

Hi Evelyn,

We have had so much rain here I have not been able to get to any of the cemetery's!

Send me the list of names, and death dates if you have them, and I will call the care taker at Laurel and find out where they are. Then once it dries out a bit here I will get over there and get some pictures for you.

At 3:18pm on December 13, 2010, Lori Deible Chaffin said…

Evelyn, I checked the other books I have and found no listing for any Sackhoff's in them. I am a member of the Hamilton County Genealogical  and on their website they have copies of the Tracer, their quarterly publication. But I don't know what the heck I did with my password. I have a message into them asking them to resend it to me. When they do I will look through the back issue's and see if there is anything in there for any Sackhoff's.


I found the same info you did about the North German Church. They are at the Library at UC. I have never been there, as parking is so crazy down there. I have heard people say that they have called and gotten help for the staff, and I have heard some people say the staff was not so helpful. I guess if you called them to see what they could do for and what kind of fee it involves you might, or might not, have some luck with them. 

At 10:03am on December 12, 2010, Lori Deible Chaffin said…

Glad I was able to help you out with Heinrich's first name, Merry Christmas!

I will hunt around for info on that Church and look through my other books, But it will be later today or tomorrow. Today I put up the Christmas Village and Tree.

At 8:24pm on December 11, 2010, Lori Deible Chaffin said…

I can call the office for Laurel and find out where he is buried and go get a picture. I won't be able to go till our weather is better but I don't live very far from there and I have a lot of family there so I know my way around the cemetery.


Also I checked the Hamilton Co Genealogical Society page and found a listing for a marriage for Heinrich to Augusta Kisner between 1840/1849 with book code: E-P-F. I do not have the book to look this up but, If you are on the Rootsweb mailing list for Hamilton Co, or even the Rootsweb Hamilton Co. message board someone there will be able to do a look up and give you details as to date and where and the such. I use the mailing list more then the board but I know people on the list that also watch the board.


I also found  in the 'Hamilton County Church Burial Records 1870 - 1879' the following:

Sackhoff, Christian Henrich

Burial Date: 9 Jan 1870

Death Date: 7 Jan

Age: 50y - 9m - 10 d

Church Code: *F

The F is for North German Lutheran Church. The * Means the place of birth is recorded in the original death record.


I am not sure where the North German Lutheran Church would be now or where their records would be but I can search around and see if I can find out.


Have you ever looked at the Hamilton Co. Genealogicsl Society website? The URL is:



At 2:17pm on December 11, 2010, Lori Deible Chaffin said…

Evelyn, What cemetery did I take pictures at that your family is in?


I will get out my Hamilton Co. Book this evening and start looking to see what I can find.

At 7:38pm on December 10, 2010, Lori Deible Chaffin said…

Hi Evelyn, welcome to GW!

I see you have a family from Hamilton Co. OH. On my page I have a list of books that I can do look up in if you see any that might be of interest.



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