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George Geder
  • Male
  • Santa Fe, NM
  • United States
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  • Margo Lee Williams
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  • Clyde Vanderhorst
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  • Debra Green
  • Russell Puryear

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Geder/Geter/Jeter, Hancock, Stevenson, Melven/Melvin/Melville, Eubanks, Brayboy, Lenard/Leonard,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
New Mexico, New York, South Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, New Jersey
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
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George Geder's Blog

Jeter = Geda in 1870 census

Posted on July 17, 2009 at 10:03am 0 Comments

Here's the 1870 census. It states that they all were from Virginia.

Also, the info is all over the place.

1. Phonetic spelling of the surname (here, it is spelled 'GEDA')

2. The son James is the actual property owner

3. The brother Jerry (Jeremiah) is not 63 yrs old ( he's more like 19)

James would be approx 2-3yrs in 1850 and 12-13 in 1860.

There are quite a few slave owning Jeters throughout VA - with slaves… Continue

African Ancestored Genealogy - Mr. James Jeter

Posted on July 15, 2009 at 9:06pm 0 Comments

Bradford Argus; Thursday, January 5, 1882

Photo copy from the Bradford County Historical Society, 1997.

-James Jeder (colored) having the last few days exibited signs of insanity - by telling everybody how much money he had made, and singing in the streets, &c., - was on Monday taken to the insane department of the poor-house, where the pure air of the country may restore him.


Bradford Reporter; March 23,… Continue

African Ancestored Genealogy Research - Mrs. Emeline Jeter

Posted on July 13, 2009 at 6:20pm 8 Comments

This is my 2nd Great Grandmother.

I'm blessed to have inherited this Tintype from my Dad.

Also, I'm thankful to the Bradford County Historical Society of Pennsylvania for sending me the obituary a number of years ago. It reads:

-Mrs. John (Emma)Jeter, a colored woman aged 81 years, died in this borough last week and was buried from the colored church, the service being conducted by Rev. Mr. Smith.

She was a slave at…

African Ancestored Genealogy - John R. Jeter

Posted on July 13, 2009 at 6:00pm 0 Comments

Here's my 2nd Great Grandfather, John R. Jeter.

His Obituaries reads:

"Bradford Republic; March 21, 1893

-Death of a Venerable Colored man.

Some twenty-five or thirty years ago, soon after the proclamation of emancipation was issued by Abraham Lincoln, there came to Towanda, we think from Virginia, John R. Jeeder, a colored man, formerly a plantation slave.

He was a tall, boney man of powerful physique, with the habits,… Continue

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At 4:20pm on March 10, 2011, Geraldine Jackson said…
Hi George ,Your Great Grandfather looks like an amazing person  with a beautiful Face .I love his hat, I bet he would have been a wonderful person to have as a friend, you must be very proud of him.I would be.
At 11:43am on October 28, 2010, James Alfred Locke Miller Jr. said…
If you have South Carolina black ancestry, you may be interested in the black Bellinger family there. Civil War Union Pvt. Bellinger and Sgt. Bellinger were on Hilton Head Island (island named for the brother of my Exeter, N.H., ancestor), and one married there. After the war, one was a carpenter in Charleston. The other died in S.C. in service. I'd love to find his grave, and if not adequately marked, get him a gratis Union tombstone (or memorial stone if grave is lost). My (white) Pvt. James Landreth Malcolm, CSA musician, allegedly is in an un-marked grave near the marked grave of his son-in-law, musician Sgt. James Anderson Woollen, Old Salem, W-S, N.C. I'd like to mark his grave too. Grandmother, born 1885, Mrs. Ruby Valery "Tee" Woollen Miller, was reared by her twenty years older sister, Mrs. Lillian Elizabeth "Muttie" Woollen who wed book salesman Henry Lee of W-S, son of Charles Carter Lee, older brother of Gen. Rbt. Edw. Lee, Sr., CSA. That is why Sgt. Woollen and wife Mrs. Susan Caroline Malcolm Woollen are in the 1890's book "Lee Family of Virginia" by Edm. Jennings Lee. Now grandmother of traditional Southern values; never rabid, but believed in segregation, etc.; was funny about one side of the family. I was never sure why? In Southport I met the wonderful wife of a descendant; her husband's ancestor, my close kinsman; was a Confederate veteran who after the war wed an ex-slave. She/he do not advertise it, but neither are they ashamed of it; they voluntarily explained it to me--I didn't know to ask. A prominent Winston-Salem, very good folks family (one was a classmate) learned they descended from a "cryptic Jew". These are of two types; the frequently simply unknown to them, and the intentionally cryptic. Either the Jew hid his heritage; or some descendants did. Thus the slave descendant ("white kin" as nothing looks nor acts "black" about them) kin were of cryptic black heritage to me, as I simply did not know otherwise.
At 12:57pm on October 27, 2010, James Alfred Locke Miller Jr. said…
George: My computers is beeping, but I do not know what that means? I'm on Linked-In and in a Navy forum just mentioned your website there. Jim
At 11:24pm on August 4, 2010, Beverly J Gray said…
Thanks George.
At 1:30pm on March 25, 2010, Sharon G. Holmes said…
Thank for the Welcome ! This is a good site, lookin forward to participating.
At 3:01pm on September 30, 2009, Charisse Johnson said…
I'm sorry I don't know any Powell's personally, but I'll keep a eye out and if I come across anyone with that last name I'll tell you about them. : - )
At 11:31am on September 15, 2009, The Williams Family Tree said…
At 8:22pm on August 22, 2009, Tawana said…
Hello and thank you for the friend invite!
At 8:25pm on July 22, 2009, Dena Jordan said…
Hi George, thanks for the warm welcome and I'm so glad to see this site. I have been off genealogy for a while but now since I have 2 granddaughters (didn't have them when I stopped genealogy research) I think I had better jump back in again for them. Their names are Ma'leah and Jada Rose, Ma'leah is going on 2 and Jada will be 1 in November, I couldn't be happier. Talk to you soon and have a Blessed time at your family reunion!
At 7:55pm on July 22, 2009, Capricia Avery said…
Hi George,

Thanks for the added. Have a good evening. Talk to you soon. :)


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