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James E Bankston
  • Male
  • Franklin, TN
  • United States
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James E Bankston's Friends

  • Victor Clark
  • Kathy W-L

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Dorris, Franklin, Perkins, Bankston, Baker, Hurley
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United States, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 4:29pm on July 1, 2011, Victor Clark said…

Hello James,


I got to go to Knoxville and read the diary. It was interesting how similar it was to a letter I have from my ggggrandfather...but they were both in the same company so they had similar experiences. If you would like, you are welcome to come and visit me in Bellevue and I can show you some of the Dorris items I have, pictures and letters and such. If you are still interested in the SAR, we can work on that also. 



At 9:48pm on February 13, 2011, Victor Clark said…


I have only documented my relationship from William Dorris Jr., and I am not really familiar with his siblings, but I am more than happy to share the little I do know. For SAR membership, the easiest way is to find someone in the SAR or DAR that has already filed on Isaac, then you could piggyback off that application, just having to fill in where your lines diverge. Otherwise, you must start from scratch and have to prove military service, one of the best ways to do this is widow pensions if available. If you are interested, we could meet sometime and I could walk you through the process...our chapter is always looking for new members.




At 7:49pm on February 13, 2011, Victor Clark said…

Thank you for responding. I am already working to schedule a trip to read this diary. I have many letters from my ggggrandfather during his time as a Confederate and I am trying to read other accounts of men that also served in the 30th, of course I am especially interested in accounts of men that are also related to me.


Most of my family has lived in the Robertson/ Sumner County area for many generations (my Dorris line is through William Dorris Jr. and then his daughter Zelpha)and my mother still lives in White House. Me and my wife live in Bellevue now and have visited Franklin many times. I am also a member of the SAR (I have a supplemental on William Dorris) and SCV chapters in Williamson County.


Once again thank you for the response and I will let you know what I thought of the diary. I expect it will be very interesting and I look forward to comparing it to my ancestor's letters that give his account of the fall of Fort Donelson and subsequent time as a POW at Camp Butler.


best regards,


At 8:05pm on February 12, 2011, Victor Clark said…

Hello James,

I am also a Dorris descendant and quite interested in the Civil War and our family's involvement in it. I saw that you had read the diary of Wesley Smith Dorris. My ggggrandfather A.W. Bradley was a first cousin to Wesley and they served together in the 30th, and I would love to read this diary myself. Is it at the Carter House?




At 3:17pm on March 25, 2010, Gena Philibert Ortega said…
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Gena Philibert Ortega, Community Manager
At 6:42am on March 24, 2010, Kathy W-L said…
James, So glad you "friended" me. How wonderful to have held the original and read it. I have a photo copy of it that was given to my family a number of years ago. My Paternal Grandmother was Mary Adeline DORRIS WEBSTER, from Robertson County, married to George W. WEBSTER in 1925. I grew up in TX, but we came to Greenbrier/Springfield many, many times for Christmas, 4th of July, family reunions, etc. throughout the years. Daddy was born and raised in White House and he and brother Wayne were on the first football team at White House High School. Would love to exchange info with you, although it's been a few years since I imersed myself in the family genealogy. My husband and I live in Fairview, so we are not far from you at all. Blessings. Kathy


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