Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Janelle Bramble
  • Female
  • Queensland
  • Australia
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Janelle Bramble's Friends

  • Bob Roland Howson
  • Frederick James Archer
  • Alison Cantwell
  • garryr
  • Stephen Medley
  • David R. Simpson
  • Peter John Hutchinson
  • Lisa Powell
  • Pete Lovett
  • Linda Ottery
  • sam evans
  • Carly Reimann
  • Albertus Lang
  • Anja van Steel
  • Ian Everett

Gifts Received (1)


Janelle Bramble's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

About Me

I am a happily married Aussie mum and granny.I have 4 children and I have 5 grandchildren.I love country music ,guitars,and all things country but also old classics from the good old days along with all things vintage/retro.Reading is a favourite pastime of mine (all sorts of things) I love history and thats one of the reason I enjoy searching for past family and connecting with others who do the same.

I have been doing family reaesrch on and off for many years and one day hope to be able to compile my research into mini books for different areas of my family then a larger one for my own direct family so they have something to go to and look back on.
Arent our future generations lucky to have us doing all this research for them? LOL

I was inspired by Genealogy Wise to create a ning site for all the Australian researchers so please if you from Australia come and join.

Just click HERE and lets help each other and others In Australia even more.

May you all have your dreams come true and remember the wise words of Monty Python "Always look on the bright side of life

Comment Wall (23 comments)

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At 11:50pm on January 9, 2011, Sheree Laursen said…

So far I have mainly been on online researcher. I got some help from Graham Jaunay in SA with the 'Freak' family mystery and made a Freak family contact through I've made a couple of visits to PROV in Melbourne, and visited many cemetary's - much to my kids disgust ;-), as most of my ancestors were Victorians. Planning a visit to Echuca early in Feb to do some research there on the Kelly family that started in Kyneton, Victoria, moved to Echuca and then to Cobar, NSW. Where are your research interests?


At 1:36am on January 9, 2011, Sheree Laursen said…
Re: Family mystery - my Gfather changed his name from 'Freak' to 'Templer'. Family legend had it that the 'Freaks' were from Germany and it was the stigma attached to being German that made him change the name (and plus growing up as a Freak would have had it's moments I'm sure!). However he would never talk about his family at all - when I looked in to it, it turns out his father was jailed for bigamy (was somewhat of a rogue) and the Freaks came from Dorset England! Been hooked on genealogy ever since.
At 2:57am on September 16, 2010, Frederick James Archer said…
My research has only just restarted after being offline for a while with internet problems. My area is England, Wales and Scotland also with Swiss/Italian and Dominican research as well. Haven't listed all names as yet, as there is quite a few based on the ancestors. Hoping to have some info up on a website when i can make sure everything is right. Are you up near Redcliffe area at all, some cousins up that way.
At 2:26am on August 30, 2010, Susan Volker said…
Hi Janelle

I take it we are related through the Jarrett family. How is your search going? Let me know if I can help in any way.
At 6:45am on June 26, 2010, Debby Mil said…
Hi Janelle,

It appears we do have a link Priscilla Jane Jarrett was the daughter of Edward Jarrett and Sarah Eales. Edward was my GGG grandfather's brother. I have that Priscilla married Thomas Benjamin in 1889. They had 7 children and I have that she died in 1943.

Does this match what you have?

At 12:43am on June 26, 2010, Co Ordinator said…
Just fort i'd leave a message too afta readin ya were's n why fors

I like have a passion for Country Music, BlueGrass , Banjo's,( as a lad b4 my teen I was taught how to play a 17 string Banjo Mandelin, that was hard) Mainly American but Aussie is gettin just as good. My lad is a heavy metal nut but would you believe he also loves country music what a combo a.
My interests are as above but have a love for speed on land and water and have a vehicle that helps me keep that alive( sensibly that is)

All the best Wayne
At 4:38am on June 4, 2010, Pete Lovett said…
Hi Janelle....just wanted to say hi and hope your research is going well....trying to get back into it but nasty things like work keep getting in the way! :-(
Cheers, Pete
At 4:31am on June 04, 2010, Pete Lovett gave Janelle Bramble a gift
At 10:23pm on May 5, 2010, Debby Mil said…
Hi Janelle,

I have found there were (at least) three different Jarrett families that came to Australia. Mine, from Brede Sussex, settled around the Shoalhaven region in the 1850s. My branch of the family moved up to Bangalow near Lismore in the early 1900s. There was a John Jarrett who also settled in the Shoalhaven region. I believe his family were from Shropshire. The last group of Jarretts were Cedar cutters who settled around the Lismore / Casino area. They were from Kent but given the proximity of Sussex and Kent may be distantly related to mine but I haven't been able to prove that. I would definitely be interested to see if your friend is related to me.
Maybe we will be able to match up the Knights too, do you know where yours were from?

At 6:17am on April 30, 2010, Chris Chapman-Taylor said…
Thanks Janelle,

Here's hoping you find lot's of Taylors to connect with : )



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