Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Jayne McCormick
  • Female
  • Newark, DE
  • United States
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Jayne McCormick's Friends

  • Cheryl (Smith) Owens
  • Cecil J. Vance
  • Larry Wilbert Bafus
  • Heather
  • Avie Penick
  • Jim Kimpton
  • Sarah Hood (Sallie)
  • Duane Lang
  • Lento
  • Jo Saunders
  • Clyde Vanderhorst
  • Kevin Frye
  • carl schinasi
  • nancy ann cole
  • Mary Kinch

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Red Ribbon From april irene kimble

Jayne McCormick's Page

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Catherine J Spry joined Jayne McCormick's group


We provide information about how to research ancestors both on the Internet and in libraries and other repositories. Besides how, we will show you where—locations for free and inexpensive information and the relative value of each.See More
Feb 23, 2024
Mary Ellen Rohrer Dexter joined Jayne McCormick's group


We provide information about how to research ancestors both on the Internet and in libraries and other repositories. Besides how, we will show you where—locations for free and inexpensive information and the relative value of each.See More
Oct 28, 2022
Paula Louise Spart joined Jayne McCormick's group

U.S. Civil War 1860-1870

There have been comments that there is no Group for the Civil War. Well, there is now. Network with others to find your CW ancestor, ask for look-ups, relate stories about your CW ancestorSee More
Oct 28, 2020
Linda Debe joined Jayne McCormick's group

U.S. Civil War 1860-1870

There have been comments that there is no Group for the Civil War. Well, there is now. Network with others to find your CW ancestor, ask for look-ups, relate stories about your CW ancestorSee More
Aug 8, 2020
James J Flanagan joined Jayne McCormick's group

U.S. Civil War 1860-1870

There have been comments that there is no Group for the Civil War. Well, there is now. Network with others to find your CW ancestor, ask for look-ups, relate stories about your CW ancestorSee More
Mar 25, 2020
Emily Allyn Moore joined Jayne McCormick's group

U.S. Civil War 1860-1870

There have been comments that there is no Group for the Civil War. Well, there is now. Network with others to find your CW ancestor, ask for look-ups, relate stories about your CW ancestorSee More
Feb 7, 2020
Lynne joined Jayne McCormick's group

U.S. Civil War 1860-1870

There have been comments that there is no Group for the Civil War. Well, there is now. Network with others to find your CW ancestor, ask for look-ups, relate stories about your CW ancestorSee More
Aug 11, 2019
Sharon Marsh commented on Jayne McCormick's group U.S. Civil War 1860-1870
"Kathy McCain - research the regiment and develop a timeline for them.  They may have been consolidated with another regiment after he joined and his records may be with the later regiment.  If he died in the service & the married,…"
Aug 3, 2019
Kathy McCain commented on Jayne McCormick's group U.S. Civil War 1860-1870
"I have several ancestors that fought in the Civil War on the side of the Confederacy.  I have been trying to find information on James (B) McCain from Washington Parish, LA.  He along with his brothers fought in LA 3rd Calvary…"
Aug 3, 2019
Kathy McCain joined Jayne McCormick's group

U.S. Civil War 1860-1870

There have been comments that there is no Group for the Civil War. Well, there is now. Network with others to find your CW ancestor, ask for look-ups, relate stories about your CW ancestorSee More
Aug 3, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
BISHOP, MILES, POLLOCK, RYAN, mostly in Chester Co., PA
SHAFER, Ukraine
WALKER- North Carolia
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United Kingdom
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 9:15am on February 23, 2010, Gena Philibert Ortega said…
Happy Birthday Jayne! Hope it's a great one.

At 9:39pm on December 10, 2009, Sue McCormick said…
Jayne and Dae,

I am posting this on both of your walls; I hope it tells the Genealogy Wise world what a great help you both are.

I was teasing when I complained about buying another book. I told my husband about Producing a Family History, by Patricia Law Harper on Tuesday morning; he promptly ordered it and now I'm the happy owner of a new-to-me guide to improving my skills in Genealogy. I have read the chapter "What to Write; When to Write It" almost like reading a novel. But, truly, I'm treating this book more seriously than that I may just make working copies of ALL the checklists as I apply different chapters to my work.

Thank both of you again for an interesting presentation which led me to owning a very useful book.

At 7:22pm on August 25, 2009, Judy said…
Thank you very much ... it was there!
At 5:24pm on August 25, 2009, Judy said…
Hi Jayne,
I completely missed your presentation on Cluster researching ... how could I have ever done that!!!!
Do you have a transcript available on that presentation? I really wanted to be available for that chat because I have had to rely on brothers and sisters information in order to put my husband's g grandfather within that family group. Word of mouth was that he belonged in that family but when I went to research it, I found most of the family including the parents who came over from Scotland in 1821 (The Lanark Society Settlers) but no sign of him. I found him in another county but rumours where that he left at a young age to go to another county. It wasn't until one of the sisters put a notice in the newspaper that their brother, who had moved away, had recently died. Cluster research is very important and I really wanted to learn more about it!
If I am unable to obtain your transcript notes, would you be putting that presentation on again?
At 6:56am on August 24, 2009, Alanna C. Fitzgerald said…
Hi Jayne,
I really enjoyed your chat presnetation the other day. Will there be a transcript posted of it? I didn't take notes thinking there would be. I loved that you gave sources to use too! I didn't even know about the research outlines on familysearch!!!!! I have several of them downloaded already.
Thanks again,


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