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Jennifer Dempsey
  • Female
  • Ackerman, MS
  • United States
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Jennifer Dempsey's Friends

  • Rebecca Hardin Malone
  • Mark Taylor Edwards
  • Candace Tillman
  • Susan Hill
  • Mary Briggs
  • Janice Tracy
  • Judith Richards Shubert

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Rebecca F. Dunning joined Jennifer Dempsey's group


Looking for some family around Arkansas, possibly Texas, MS...
Dec 15, 2022
Sandy Chance commented on Jennifer Dempsey's group Hardin
"Am looking for Hardin’s out of Georgia, well it’s where my grandpa and grandma lived . Grandmother was a Colbert , they had 4 boys and a girl I heard died as a baby . "
Jun 18, 2019
Sandy Chance joined Jennifer Dempsey's group


Looking for some family around Arkansas, possibly Texas, MS...
Jun 18, 2019

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Hardin, Dempsey, Neal, Edwards
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England and the United States
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

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Jennifer Dempsey's Blog

Hardin info

Posted on July 13, 2009 at 11:07pm 0 Comments

This was written by the late Ms. Lily E. Hardin.

I am searching for information on Smauel Turner Hardin, father of my husband, Samuel Lorenzer Hardin, born December 14, 1910 in Ashley County, Portland, Arkansas.

Samuel Turner Hardin was 35 years old and he married Alice Iva (Ivey) Jones 20 years old on March 6, 1910 in Ashley County, Portland, Arkansas.

He was a railroad employee at the time - also did taxidermy work on the side - I was told.

He had 2… Continue

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At 5:21pm on September 8, 2010, Candace Tillman said…

I have some Dempsey information but I was unable to send you a message.

At 10:09pm on May 19, 2010, Rebecca Hardin Malone said…
hello Jennifer. Several years ago you contacted me about my Samuel Turner Hardin and we weren't able to decern whether they were one and the same. However you mentioned in this blog that he dabbled in taxidermy. Well so did mine, and at one time he lived in Arkansas. Coincidence? Not so sure. My great grandfather was born May 28, 1875 so that would make him 35 years old in 1910. I was given a copy of a picture of him with a deer and the name of his taxidermy business. It is only a xerox copy but it is in fair condition. Looking forward to hearing from you...Becky
At 7:52am on July 15, 2009, Janice Tracy said…
Jennifer, I found these Hardin family members on Find-A-Grave. Maybe this will help point you to some areas for Texas research. Good luck.

Hardin, Samuel
b. 1820 d. unknown
Peyton Cemetery
Blanco County
Texas, USA

Hardin, Samuel Edward
b. Nov. 21, 1905 d. Dec. 27, 1964
Fort Sam Houston National...
San Antonio
Bexar County
Texas, USA

Hardin, Samuel Edward
b. Nov. 21, 1905 d. Dec. 27, 1964
Fort Sam Houston National...
San Antonio
Bexar County
Texas, USA

Hardin, Samuel Eugene
b. Apr. 13, 1889 d. Aug. 30, 1974
Rio Vista Cemetery
Rio Vista
Johnson County
Texas, USA

Hardin, Samuel William
b. 1877 d. 1925
Oates Family Cemetery
Polk County
Texas, USA
At 7:36am on July 15, 2009, Janice Tracy said…
Jennifer, have you looked in North Texas for your Hardin family members? There is a Hardin St. in McKinney, Texas, county seat of Collin County, and I suspect it was named for the Hardin family. The migration path for many settlers in the states that are now part of the Deep South left either before or after the Civil War and settled first in north Texas. Some counties to check (other than Collin) are Grayson, Cooke, and Wise. I have one of thse so-called brick wall families in MS - the Gibsons.
At 5:58am on July 14, 2009, Hugh W. Busey said…
Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for contacting me. In a nutshell, our first US Edwards family, Thomas, came from Wales to New York and New Jersey in the late 1600's and lived there through the late 1700's. Abraham, the 6th generation, was in the War of 1812 and became prominent in the founding of Detroit and opening up of western Michigan. Abram, his GS, was an early merchant in Chicago. The last 2-3 generations, including my mother Helen (Edwards) Busey stayed in various locations in IL, IN, and Ohio. Any connection?

We also have direct lines back to two Mayflower passengers and at least four Rev. War soldiers. It's been a fascinating trip digging out and confirming all these interesting folks.



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