Genealogy Wise

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Jill Stepp Johnston
  • Female
  • Vader, Lewis County, Washington
  • United States
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Jill Stepp Johnston's Friends

  • Riche Ray Walker
  • Adruain Cato
  • Gail Hamilton Bush
  • john armstrong
  • Donna Momburg

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Stepp (SE Missouri); Lloyd (SE Missouri); Ireland (SE Missouri); Walker (SE Missouri, W Illinois);Wilde (SE Missouri); Foote (Wisconsin, Nova Scotia); Armstrong (Nova Scotia, Minnesota); Olsson [Fahlstrom] (SW Sweden, Minnesota); Nystrom (NE Sweden, Minnesota); JohnsTon (Washington);Fuqua (Oregon); Churchill (Oregon)

I post on Find A Grave and am a RAOGK (Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness) volunteer.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Minnesota, Washington, Oregon; Sweden, England, Scotland, Nova Scotia, Wales
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 8:00pm on April 12, 2010, Donna Momburg said…
Hi Jill, Yes I know Brenda Summers. Just talked to her today. I have never met her, thou. I have met Riche and his family.

Betty Walker Cook and Nancy Walker have organized a Walker Reunion in Wood River, IL for April 17. It sounds like we will have 50-80 Walkers there.

I have quite a bit of info gathered from cousins. I am trying to organize it now fr the reunion.

My line is Harden > Isom > Lyman Roswell Walker. Isom and Imri lived in Poplar Bluff, Butler County, MO as did their descendants. My mother was Doris Imogene Walker daughter of Lyman.

As soon as the reunion is over I will be glad to share with you.

Nice to meet you cousin

Donna Hill Momburg
At 10:17pm on February 16, 2010, Riche Ray Walker said…
Jill, Riche Walker; I made a error on my grf's Eugene Walker's birthdate. It should have been 1880 not 1870.
At 9:16pm on February 14, 2010, Riche Ray Walker said…
Jill, my name is Riche Walker of Advance Mo., fhr Cloyd Walker, grf was Eugene Walker, grgrf Hardin Walker and grgrm Mariah Bockover. My grandfather Eugene was the youngest by 17years born in 1870. I know of Isom, Imri,and another called Willie and a girl, Ida. These are the Children of Hardin and Mariah. Do you believe that the one called Willie could be the eldest and actually name John William? I know alot of your Stepps from the Greenbriar area and have visited the grave of George in Sturdivant.


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