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John Clifford Shorten
  • Male
  • Yarrawonga, Victoria
  • Australia
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  • Jacqueline
  • Pip G-T
  • John Beattie
  • Kay Mumme
  • Marci Medley
  • Charles Anthony Stephens aka Ton
  • Kathleen Ann Browne
  • Stephen Gillis
  • Leslie Andrew HIBBARD
  • John N. Thomas
  • John Lawler
  • Barbara Brentzell
  • Ron D Munro
  • Loxley Gordon Cabassi
  • Terry Hulme

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Shorten, Irwin, Hill, Flannery, Hickey, Casey, Wise etc
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Ireland, England, Australia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
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Local Victorian Pioneers.
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At 9:45pm on October 20, 2009, Carly Reimann said…
Hi there John,

Saw your offer of help on the Australian Genealogy group... I am interested in the Tasmanian BDM records you have access to. I'm looking for Walter George EDWARDS who was born in 1894 in Huon, Tasmania. Have you any further information that could help me?

Thanks :)

At 8:25pm on August 26, 2009, Geniaus said…
John, We have a cousin in Wagga Wagga who married a Shorten in Sydney in 1966 - would you happen to be related to this branch? I tried to look on your website but couldn't gain access - I have the cousin's side on my website.

At 1:32am on August 9, 2009, Barbara Brentzell said…
Hi John
I have been concentrating on my SA ancestors but one went to Victoria about 1870 to work in the mines around Chiltern and married a Victorian and that leaves a whole branch I haven't got to the bottom of. I hope to follow through soon and hoping your group will be able to help
At 6:11pm on July 24, 2009, Carmel M Reynen said…
John Good to hear from you. What Projects are you working on currently. did you ever finish getting that book transcribed. I have recently been involved in producing and releasing the Smythesdale Cemetery book and data CD in conjunction with the Cemetery Trust.
At 3:54am on July 23, 2009, Chloris Mary Irwin PECK born DEE said…
I'm not sure why you feel there is a connection between our families. To the best of my knowledge I don't have anyone by the name of Shorten in my family....
Please explain how you think we may be linked.
I have a pretty comprehensive tree going back (in some cases) 32 generations....
English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish ancestors......
I look forward to seeing your explanation.
Best wishes,
Tombi Peck
At 3:50pm on July 22, 2009, Gail Parish said…
I live in Qld, I am researching at the moment the Lightbody family from Northern Ireland.
I am also trying to find a lightbody family here in Australia not sure if it is NSW or victoria.
Cheers, Gail
At 9:07am on July 22, 2009, Margaret Ann Thwaites said…
I live in WA but my grandmother was born in Bendigo. Her parents emigrated from
Bitton in Gloucestershire. cheers, Margaret.
At 12:56am on July 21, 2009, Peter Beck said…
Hi John,
I have already left a request, for help, on the site but perhaps it was a little too "longwinded".
I have traced my wife's ancestry through various birth, death and marriage certificates (including the siblings of her GGrandfather). I found a reference on "Family search" to a Baptism in 1862, Melbourne, of her GGrandafther, Albert William Sheppard, but can find no record of a birth certificate. Also there are no records for the marriage of Sarah Melen to Albert Sheppard (the parents) or for the births of other children Mary (b. abt. 1859) or Frances Lucy Riverina Sheppard (b. abt. 1863) or the death of Albert (Sarah's husband?) in 1865. Albert's death was cited in Sarah's (aka. Seraphina) subsequent marriage to a Joseph Sloman in 1870.

I would appreciate any assistance which you may be able to give.
At 7:58pm on July 14, 2009, Peter Beck said…
.I hope that this information is not too long for the forum. I have come to a problem with information regarding my wife's GGGrandmother. Below are the known facts.

Sarah Melen was born in Enstone , Oxfordshire in 1832 to John Melen and Catherine Gardner.

Sarah arrived in Adelaide on 12 September 1849 accompanied by her mother Catherine on the "Duke of Bronte". Siblings Caroline, Jane and Edward arrived in Adelaide 17 July 1849 on the "Madawaska"..

The first record of any event relating to Sarah (in Australia) is a birth entry for a John Richard Melen in 1853 the father listed as Richard Youl. John Richard died 3 months later and the death certificate shows the father as Richard Youl (Surgeon).

There is an entry on the IGI for the birth of Albert William Sheppard b: 2 November 1861 and Christened on 16 November 1862 at All Saints,St. Kilda. Parents are listed as Albert William Sheppard and Sarah Anne. I can find no birth record.

The next record is the birth of Evelina Beatrice Sheppard in 1866 and a death entry for 1869. The death record lists the parents as Albert Michael Sheppard and Ann Sheppard, formerly Melen. The birth record lists the father as Albert Sheppard (32 y.o.) born in Frome,Somersetshire.

The next record is a marriage of Seraphina Annie Melen to a Joseph Sloman in 1870. Seraphina's parents are cited as John Sheppard and Catherine Gardner. Number of children listed for Seraphina is 3 living and 2 dead (this ties with known children). The certificate states that Seraphina was widowed in 1865 and was born in Oxfordshire.

The next record is the death of Sarah Sheppard in 1896 where the parents are listed as Fa: Melen and Mo: Unknown. Children are listed as Albert 38 y.o. Frances 35 y.o. Mary (dead) and Beatrice (dead). The informant was listed as Frances MacDonald (daughter). Frances was born as Frances Lucy Riverina Sheppard (abt 1863).

The next record which I have is the death of Albert Sheppard in 1906 listing parents as Albert and Sarah Sheppard. Age at death of 46.
Children listed for Albert are May (Maggie) 17 y.o., Albert Alfred 16y.o., Alexander 14 y.o. and Claude 12 y.o. Spouse is listed as Flora MacGregor married for 24 years.
Albert is buried in Melbourne Cemetery in the same plot as his mother Sarah, sister Mary (Foley) and niece Effie MacDonald.

I have since been able to find that Mary Sheppard listed on Sarah's death Certificate married John Foley, in NSW, and she died as Mary Foley in July 1888 at 29 years of age. This means that she was born abt. 1859.

There are no records for the marriage of Sarah to Albert Sheppard or for the births of Mary or Frances or the death of Albert (Sarah's husband?) in 1865 which does seem strange to me. It is also strange that Seraphina (aka. Sarah), in her marriage to Sloman gives her father as John Sheppard although mothers name is correct as Catherine Gardner.
Also why does Sarah die as Sarah Sheppard?

Any assistance would be much appreciated.


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