Genealogy Wise

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Karen Jelleberg
  • Female
  • Fargo, ND
  • United States
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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Beauchamp, Jelleberg, Meier, Pittsley, Braley, Wolffe
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States, England, France, Norway
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 5:31pm on July 6, 2010, Judy Mabbott Dehle said…
By any chance are you related to Harold and Margot? I was in contact with them many years ago as I was searching. So this is what I know:
Came to the US between 1880 and 1890
Married: Chris O and Kaarin G? Jelleberg in probably Norway
Children: John and Thea were probably born in Norway as well and the other children were born in Idaho.
Thea married my grandfather Guy E Mabbott
Marie married Chris or AC Dahl
Willie married a Rebecca and divorced. They lived in CA for a while
John and Charlie never married.
John died in
They all lived in Idaho in towns like Park, Helmer, Kendrick, Grangeville, Craigmont, Juliaetta, Orfino, near Lewiston.
Most were buried in Park, ID
At 8:01pm on June 21, 2010, Judy Mabbott Dehle said…
Thank you. Our Jellebergs include Karen or Carrie (she is listed both ways in the census, but we know she is Karen although her name is spelled differently everywhere. ie. Karren, Karrin, Kaaren and so on), Chris and their children Thea, John, Marie/Maggie, William/Willie, Charles/Charlie. Many of their middle initials are often listed as O. They came after the 1880s but before 1890. The may have settled with the Dahl family. Marie married Chris Dahl. Willie moved to California for awhile and then came back to Idaho.
At 11:42pm on June 12, 2010, Judy Mabbott Dehle said…
Karen, I too am looking at the Jelleberg line. My Jellebergs are from Park, Idaho (North) and that is all I have with the exception of first names and some US census records. They would have been my great grandmother and my great-great grandparents as well as various great aunts and uncles. I have been looking for information for several years. Anyone who may have known anything died when I was very young.


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