Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Laura Barnao
  • Woodside, NY
  • United States
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Laura Barnao's Friends

  • Greta Koehl

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Koehl, Mollica, Barnao, Jones
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

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At 6:00pm on August 11, 2016, Laura Barnao said…
Hi Greta! I'm so glad you wrote me. The Koehl family iss on my mother's side. Her father was Harold Koehl, born in Brooklyn, NY, November of 1902. His father was also Harry Julius Koehl and he married Anna Christine. There are so many Harry Koehls and Henry Koehls with similar/same information, so I don't know if what I'm finding is correct or not. I'm also on (not a subscription member) and it says that you are most likely my 2nd cousin. I'm happy to share my family tree with you on there if u give me your email. Not sure if that would help. I'd live to see yours since you have so much. You might have my cousin Vicky and my Aunt Joanie on your family tree. Joan was my mother's sister along with Harry and Eddie, their brothers. Hope that helps! Thanks for reaching out!
At 5:38pm on August 11, 2016, Greta Koehl said…

I see that Koehl is listed among the surnames you are researching; it is my husband's surname.  What is your connection to the Koehl family? I hope that we can establish a connection. I have quite a bit of information on my husband's Koehl ancestors, as well as some pictures. - Greta

At 5:36pm on August 11, 2016, Greta Koehl said…

I see that one of your names is Koehl, which is my husband's surname.  What is your relation to the Koehl family? Hope we can establish a connection. I have a good bit of information on my husband's Koehl family, as well as pictures. - Greta



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