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LeAnn Weller
  • Los Lunas, NM
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Genealogical Proof Standard

The Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS) consists of 5 elements:1) reasonably exhaustive search 2) complete & accurate source citations 3) analysis & correlation of collected information 4) resolution of all conflicts 5) written conclusion.See More
Sep 25, 2019

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Weller, Sellman, Craig, Smith, Gee, Kitterman, Bonnell, Stolper, Schofer, Shreck, Maynard, Wooley,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States, England, Scotland, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher

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At 5:46pm on April 22, 2010, Diane Talley said…
Thanks for the response, LeAnn. None of the names you mentioned ring any bells. Our Shrack's were mostly around Portland, Redkey, Dunkirk and Hartford City in Indiana.
Our branch descends from John Shrack, but our Face Book page has also welcomed others from Ohio and Kansas. They are descendents of John Shrack's brothers, Wm and Samuel. I'm entirely new at this. I have a cousin, Ron Shrack, who has done extensive research into several branches of the family. I don't know how I stumbled upon the Kitterman, and as far as I know, there is no connection. John Shrack was born in 1773,so obviously there are a few other generations in there.
At 8:57pm on April 20, 2010, Diane Talley said…
I am descended from the Shrack family in Indiana. I also am trying to trace down the origins of Huntington's Disease in our family. My mother, aunt and Grandfather died with it, as did my grandfather's brother and several of his family members. My grandfather was Orlando Shrack, his father was George Shrack and his mother was Bessie Sipe. Bessie lived to a ripe old age, so it is assumed that the illness came through the Shrack's.
At 12:58pm on October 18, 2009, Denise Damm said…
I am descended from Aaron Gee born in KY about 1806. He may be the son of Robert Gee of Brunswick VA and his wife Nancy Hatwood. I haven't heard definitively if that connection was ever proven.
At 3:15am on September 16, 2009, Carleen D. Henderson said…
That's a very kind offer. "IF" you have time, the 1860 census looking for what 'may' be her family. The one I mentioned headed by a Henry Smith, wife Jermima, children Jacob, Johanna, Catherine, Julia,Susan in Hunterdon Cty, NJ, or anywhere in the eastern part of the U.S. Maybe they left NJ??? Maybe you'd have more luck in finding them. Possibly the father died?
The other odd thing is that I can't find Susan and her husband Austin W. Ewing on either the 1870 or 1880 census. they were married in 1863 so should be somewhere but I can't find them. They should be in either Kendall or Kankakee Cty, Il. but so far I've found nothing. The first time I do find her on a census is in 1900, a widow living in the city of Kankakee with her daughter Mabel(my grandmother). She died in 1902.
Anything you might find would be a miracle!
If it's any help, her husband Austin was born in Westmoreland Cty, PA, but had been living in Il for several years before he married Susan.
Thank you for every second that you spend on this endeavor!
PS. If you find anything let me know.
At 12:48pm on September 15, 2009, Carleen D. Henderson said…
No, there is no known obit for my Susan Smith Ewing. I have checked into that. Also, I have searched everything I can find on Hunterdon Cty, NJ in hopes of turning up something that might be a clue. I occasionally run across a reference to a Susan Smith marrying someone but it's never my Susan. Even if I see the name in old newspapers of Hunterdon there is no way to tell if she is the one I'm looking for.
No, I actually don't have access to census outside of what has been available on the Family Search site(Morman church records). From time to time some site or other has offered free access to census. That's how I discovered that Susan's family disappears after the 1850 census and I cannot find them on the 1860 census.
I've been trying to connect her to the correct Smith family in NJ for many years now but she's become my brickwall.
Thanks for your suggestions. All help is more than welcome.
At 11:42pm on September 12, 2009, Carleen D. Henderson said…
Gosh! Thank you for the time and effort you've expended.That's so kind of you.
As for my Susan Smith. I have no idea if she had siblings. There is no record, that I can find, of her outside of her marriage to Austin Ewing. I have photos of their graves in Il. I contacted the library in Kankakee and they can find no death mention in their newspaper archive either.
I did find one family in Hunterdon County, NJ that seemed like they may be right because they had a Susan of the right age. It was Henry Smith with a wife named Jermima and several other children; Jacob 15, Julia 12, Johanna 8, Susan 7, Catherine 4. That was the 1850 census. After that the family disappears and I cannot find them on the 1860 census anywhere. Oddly, I do find a Susan Smith from NJ, of the right age, living with a family named Yeager in Kane Cty, Il on the 1860 census. The name Yeager was a neighbor of the Henry Smith's back in Hunterdon Cty, NJ. Kane is a cty right next to Kendall Cty, where she married in 1863. However, I've totally lost the Henry Smith family. It's like they droppd off the earth after the 1850 census.
I will try tracing all Susan Smiths of that age in Hunterdon. That's a good idea. Now to find the time!
Thank you so much for your suggestion,
At 10:27pm on July 24, 2009, Ian Hamilton said…
Hi LeAnn,

The Gee's that I am related to are from S.E. Ohio and New York. Here are some of the names of the Gee's that I have found that I am related to starting with my Great Great Grandmother.

Margaret Stace Gee (1879-1946)
Joseph Gee (1851-1926)
Martin R. Gee (1819-1878)
John Gee (1796-1872)
Moses Gee (1760-1842)
Joseph Gee (1731-1810)
William Gee (1704-1772)
Joseph Gee (1676-1716)
John Gee (1635-1702)

I hope this is of some help.

Best Regards,


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