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Leif R Unosson
  • Male
  • Åsbro, Örebro län
  • Sweden
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Leif R Unosson's Friends

  • Patrick M. Tavenner
  • Mary Hellman

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Fredriksson, Fredrickson, Frederickson, Sääf,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Sweden, USA
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 12:42am on July 28, 2009, Max Bancroft said…
Many thanks Leif
At 3:12am on July 27, 2009, Max Bancroft said…
Hi Leif, unfortunately the only information I have is his name...
Olle Benjamin Berntsson
many thanks
At 7:23pm on July 23, 2009, Mary Hellman said…
Thanks Leif. I have never know the names of Ola's parents. That will be interesting. Looks like Larry will look those up for me. You two together had been great! If there is something I can do to help you, let me know.

At 11:10am on July 23, 2009, Lynn Anderson said…
I see from your profile you are from Örebrolän. My family came from Baggetorp in Kvistbro parish. We got to visit the area in 2005 including the family house at Skarpåsen which is now someones summer cottage. ffmm came over to the US in 1889 but some branches of the family remain in the Örebro area (including Vinteråsa and Svartå).
At 6:58am on July 23, 2009, Mary Hellman said…
For Ola's birth information, does it show who his parents were? Also what exactly are the numbers and GID after them mean?

You did great work. Thank you so much.
At 8:23pm on July 22, 2009, Mary Hellman said…
How wonderful. It is interesting the name in Sweden that Ole had. That could be of help to me for sure looking for more stuff for him. I bet the Maria born in 1888 is for sure Mary Elisabeth. I actually remember her! When she was a child she got one of her index fingers stuck in a wringer washer that deformed it for life. You have been most helpful Leif.

The next step would be Ole (Ola) and Mathilda's marriage. They were married December 30, 1887 in Sweden.

I am also looking in to proof of Mathilda's sisters. From information I have - they came over seperatly. One was named Maria and the other Anna. They migrated in the same town as Ole and Mathilda. I just never really had any sufficient proof.

You are terrific! Thank you Leif.
At 5:29pm on July 22, 2009, Deborah Ann (Dorscher) Anderson said…
Thank you Leif, I am going now to check out


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