Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Linda Craig
  • Female
  • Oklahoma City, OK
  • United States
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Linda Craig's Friends

  • Don Crawford McClanahan
  • Stephen Anderson
  • June Standley
  • Margaret McLane de Jovel
  • Martha Davis
  • Marca Lee Jennette McInnes Murra
  • Maudotha Ratchford
  • Dorman Lowell Chasteen Jr.
  • Dianna Dodd
  • Karen Lynette Margrave Hannah
  • Jerry A. Woods
  • Stephanie Ary
  • Barbara Carter
  • Deborah Cady
  • Rhondda Jean Dyer Buthod

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Jones, Dyer, Shott, Walker, Powell, Standley, Craig, Jennings, Wylie, Littleton
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
I am the state host of Genealogy Trails for Oklahoma, plus I am the county host for Carroll County, Missiouri, Garvin, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, and Seminole Counties in Oklahoma.
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 8:42pm on July 14, 2009, Marca Lee Jennette McInnes Murra said…
Marvell was upset., too.
At 7:23pm on July 14, 2009, Marca Lee Jennette McInnes Murra said…
Yes, she did. I found her obituary on line and added it to my genealogy. Do you know how Mabel McInnes is? Marvell told me she had been up to see her.

Did you know our son was diagnosed with a brain tumor about a year ago? He has 3 children, boy and girl twins almost 5 and a daughter almost 9. We would appreciate your prayers. He does chemo every two weeks and goes to M.D. Anderson every other month. So far he is doing very well.
At 12:44am on July 14, 2009, Dianna Dodd said…
Yes, I am interested in the obit.
At 8:26pm on July 13, 2009, Karen Lynette Margrave Hannah said…
ok, i will give mom the message..
At 6:58pm on July 13, 2009, Rhondda Jean Dyer Buthod said…
No, you didn't.That is great. Was thinking Morvin was not her correct name as I've not located any records with that name. Would love to have a copy of it. Hoping to get into our genealogy more but have had a very busy last 12 months.
Good to hear from you.
At 8:18pm on July 12, 2009, Peggy Belt Harre said…
Linda how do I use this web site. I have been exploring the site and it looks like fun but I am not sure how to use it to benefit me. I have entered several links with names or dates etc and it always ends in a pay me and I will tell you page.
How did you find this site and how do you use it?
At 7:48pm on July 12, 2009, Barbara Carter said…
I am a little slow and right now bsy vacating our fifth wheel for repairs. Whew! What a job! I have been working hard on CARTER for my hubby. A cousin is taking the research to the printer so I was trying to help as much as I could...
Anxious to see how this works but I know it will take time for this 'old' gal to get it.
It is raining in the northwest today. Enjoyed watching the Teaxs Rangers last night in Seattle but would have been better had they won... :-) It wasn't raining then, In fact it was the best weather I have ever experienced anywhere for a baseball game. We spent over 17 years in San Diego and that weather is hard to beat. Thanks for thinking of me.


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