Genealogy Wise

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Louise A. Pattyn (Bartnicki)
  • Female
  • Chicago, IL
  • United States
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Louise A. Pattyn (Bartnicki)'s Friends

  • Tree-Chicago/Polish

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Pattyn,DeSmet, Graham, Fisher, Gusman,Dahlinger,Werbrouck, DeKoster,Daisley, Coulter
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Scotland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 10:41am on July 12, 2010, MICHAEL W BARTNICKI said…
HI. I'm the son of joseph & loretta. I married Constance Czadowski in 1966, she died in 1970. I married Linda (Lynn) Folken n 1971...still married and happy.
At 8:31pm on January 25, 2010, Louise A. Pattyn (Bartnicki) said…
I am not on this site very much, actually rarely. I am on most (daily) which is where I have the entire tree laid out. If you can give me the connection of how you are related so I can add a profile for you, then I can add your email to invite you onto the tree. I am also on and have retrieved many documents from that site. The best way on getting in touch with me is through email at
At 7:16pm on January 25, 2010, Tree-Chicago/Polish said…
Just came back to your profile wondering why no reply and here it is. I have Michael & Frances's marriage record from St. Stanislaus and that says Michael's parents are Ignacy & Jadwiga. This line ties in very far away to me, I only persued because I was trying to find a connection between William & Michael but I don't have William & Sophie's marriage to say who William's parents are. William married at Holy Trinity and I don't have that film.
Michael & Frances have 10 children I found on census & a few of the birth certificates on familysearh pilot site. I looked at for Bartnicki's and see some of the listings. I see you have Joseph 1905-1973 as son fo Michael but I show that Joseph as Harry's brother according to his obituary. The Joseph I have as son of Michael & Frances has dates 22 Oct 1916 to Aug 1977, married to a Loretta Wisniewski. Will send friend request I can send obits to you.
At 6:12am on January 11, 2010, Louise A. Pattyn (Bartnicki) said…
You have the right line with Michael and Frances. Michael is my husbands first cousin, twice removed. Michael is the son of Valentine/Walenti and Rose/Rozalia. I have more information on that line as well. How are you related? I have the family tree on but I have the security set high....long story. If you can let me know how you are related, I can make a profile for you and add you on.
At 11:04pm on January 10, 2010, Tree-Chicago/Polish said…
Was surfing people with Chicago in profile. Interested in the Bartnicki. I have 2 lines that run into my tree. Harry Bartnicki who married Florence Okraj. She was my 2nd cuz twice removed. His parents were William Bartnicki & Sophie Strzyzewski. Siblings were Albert, Joseph & Anna Vavra. Then there's another remotely tied in. I searched it because I thought I might find another connection to the other Bartnicki's but so far I haven't. The other line goes back to Michael Bartnicki & Frances Mazikowski. If any of these sound familiar or if you have any questions, message me.


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