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Raymond R. Parker
  • Male
  • Show Low, AZ
  • United States
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Raymond R. Parker's Friends

  • Kathryn Ramsay
  • Beth Ann Cosselmon
  • Greta Koehl

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Sanders, Champion, Parker, Brinlee, Calhoun,Boone
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Only U.S.A.
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 9:41pm on July 18, 2011, Beth Ann Cosselmon said…
Hello Ray,

Thank you so very much for all the great print-outs. It may take me a little while to read thru it all, but it looks awesome. I really like some of the life stories included and think it would all be a great book some day. Has anyone contributed thiese to LDS? I do find a few surnames I am familiar with already, so I will read carefully and take notes. Thanks again, Beth
At 11:58am on July 7, 2011, Beth Ann Cosselmon said…

Thank you Raymond for all that information, how would I be able to get the 100 or so pages?  I could research some of the information to pinpoint the family lines.

Thank you,

Beth Cosselmon

sorry for the underline, just happened I guess. The typist did it!

At 7:21pm on July 5, 2011, Beth Ann Cosselmon said…

I believe Sarah Morgan Parker married an Edmondson, do you have record of this marriage?


At 7:20pm on July 5, 2011, Beth Ann Cosselmon said…

Hello, I have two brothers that submitted a DNA, the Parker, Boone, Taylor, Edmondson, MacAlpine, Whitelock, Juenemann are a few surnames that are listed within a few generations. Has anyone in your family submitted a DNA for genealogy research? Also the 37 marker was very helpful in getting so many surnames.  My dad always said they were of Welch descent, the DNA also says Northern Ireland probably Antrim and Dublin, Ulster which is half Scot half Irish. I find this all very fascinating and hope to hear from you. Hopefully we can find a match.

Beth Ann Edmondson-Cosselmon

At 5:28pm on January 17, 2010, Kathryn Ramsay said…
We share more than one research interest. My maiden name was Parker.

At 10:23am on January 15, 2010, Gena Philibert Ortega said…
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